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Portulaca Grandiflora, few people know this fantastic trick

Very few people know the peculiarity of Portulaca Grandiflora. With this fantastic trick you will make many small plants: here’s how you have to do it.

Purslane Large-flowered

Portulaca grandiflora is a plant with a very beautiful flowering . It creates a real scenography with its colorful flowers. It is an annual herbaceous plant that is not very large. In fact, its branches do not exceed 20 centimeters and are covered with very small leaves.

The leaves of Portulaca are in fact very thin and small . They appear in the form of needles and are about 2 or 3 centimeters long. The flowers are cup-shaped or simple and can be of different colors . From white to pink but also orange, yellow and red.

Purslane Large-flowered
Portulaca Grandiflora –

It is a plant that is very easy to growand does not require special attention. Below we will see a trick that few people know to create new plants from a Portulaca Grandiflora that you already have. By following all these simple steps you can do it too because it is really very simple.

Portulaca Grandiflora: Here’s How to Make New Plants

As we said, we will see how to root Portulaca grandiflora leaves . The method is very simple and will allow you to have the latest results in a short time. First you have to choose a very healthy and very green branch. Only in this way will you get results.

Before proceeding with the cut, disinfect your scissors or your knife thoroughly. Do it with alcohol and cloth, now you can cut. Then delicately go and detach all the leaves that are present on this branch. Remember to do it with extreme delicacy so as not to ruin the branch.

Portulaca Grandiflora Leaves
Portulaca Grandiflora Leaves –

Now take a rectangular pot already filled with the substrate . Moisten and put all the leaves that we have removed from the branch, making sure that the part that enters the soil is the one just detached from the plant. Also put the branch. With a sprayer, water your plants and place the pot in a shady but well-lit place.

Be careful not to let the substrate dry out and water it every day. After about 30 days you will start to see the first results . The small leaves will have created their roots as well as the branch will have created other branches full of leaves. As soon as the roots have developed the new plant is ready to be planted.

New Portulaca Grandiflora Plants
New Portulaca Grandiflora Plants –

Now you can plant them individually in pots. Take care of them and wait for them to grow. It will take a few months but be careful with the care you give them . Below we will give you some useful tips to grow these new little plants in the right way to have beautiful flowers. The details in the next paragraph.

Some tips on how to grow this plant

Portulaca grandiflora can be grown both in pots and in the garden and much depends on the size of the plant. At the beginning it is preferable that the seedlings stay in pots. This plant loves exposure to the sun and in fact if placed in the shade it does not flower . So put it in the right place.

Water is also very important and must be moderate and regular . It is important to let the soil dry between waterings to avoid any water stagnation. This is a plant that tolerates drought and therefore it is better not to drown it with water. The climate in which it does best is medium-hot.

Portulaca grandiflora in bloom
Portulaca grandiflora in bloom –

In fact, it does not like very low temperatures and in Italy it blooms towards late spring. The soil must be well drained and if it is missing, it will be enough to add some material to the soil. Fertilizer can also be avoided and if used, be careful which one to choose . Do not use a fertilizer for green plants because otherwise you will lose the flowers.

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