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Spray this on your window sills – bugs, stink bugs, and flies will disappear

Spray this on your window sills if you want to get rid of these annoying bugs that often invade our homes in the summer.

Produced on window tracks
Produced on the window tracks

Summer is here and with it come the annoying insects that ruin our relaxation. But fear not! Today we will reveal a natural remedy to free your home from these unwanted guests.

Take notes because this solution could become your ally on these hot summer days!

Insects, how to defeat them: natural remedies

Insects can be annoying and dangerous, but it is not always necessary to use chemicals to keep them away from our homes. There are many natural remedies that can help to eliminate them.

One of the best ways to keep bugs out of our homes is to maintain cleanliness. Bugs are attracted to food, water, and dirt, so be sure to store food in airtight containers and keep surfaces in your home clean.

Anti-insect preparation
Anti-insect preparation –

There are some plants you can grow in your garden or on your balcony to repel insects. Peppermint, for example, has a strong smell that can repel mosquitoes and flies. Lavender and verbena are also great options!

Finally, try using essential oils like citronella oil or eucalyptus: just spray a few drops on your skin or clothes before going outside.

Using these simple tricks you can enjoy a cleaner home and avoid annoying insects without having to resort to chemicals!

Spray this on the window sills – they’ll all be gone in less than a second

If you’re looking for a natural way to keep bugs away from your home , the solution may be easier than you think. With a few ingredients that are easy to find in your kitchen, you can create an effective mixture to spray on your window sills.

For this strategy, you will need alcohol, cinnamon, coffee, and distilled water . Mix these three ingredients together and transfer the mixture into a pump sprayer. Now you are ready to apply it to your windows!

But how exactly does this strategy work? Alcohol acts as a natural repellentagainst many insects while cinnamon is known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. When combined with distilled water, this trio becomes highly effective in repelling flies, bedbugs and other annoying insects.

Insects in the house
Insects in the house –

Ci sono anche altri vantaggi nell’utilizzare questa strategia rispetto ai prodotti chimici tradizionali: non solo è completamente atossica, ma è anche economica ed ecologica. Non dovrai preoccuparti di esporre te stesso o i tuoi animali domestici a sostanze nocive o dannose.

Tuttavia, come ogni rimedio fai-da-te ci sono alcuni rischi da considerare: assicurati sempre di non utilizzare troppo alcol nella miscela perché potrebbe causare danneggiamenti alle superfici delicate delle tue finestre. Inoltre evita di applicarla su superfici verniciate o trattate.

Con questi accorgimenti fondamentali puoi goderti il tuo spazio privo di insetti e cimici fastidiosi in modo naturale. Spruzza questo sui binari delle finestre per eliminare ogni traccia di insetto.

Come funziona la nuova strategia

La nuova strategia per allontanare insetti, cimici e mosche dalle finestre funziona attraverso l’utilizzo di ingredienti del tutto naturali. Ma come avviene esattamente questo processo?

Innanzitutto, è importante spruzzare il composto sui binari delle finestre, in modo da creare una barriera naturale contro gli insetti. L’alcol presente nel mix aiuta a disinfettare la zona intorno alla finestra, mentre la cannella ha proprietà repellenti che spaventano gli insetti.

How to keep bugs away
Come tenere lontano gli insetti –

L’acqua presente nel composto serve ad assorbire tutti i componenti dell’antiparassitario naturale e a fissarlo meglio sui binari della finestra. In questo modo si può garantire un effetto duraturo e continuativo nella lotta contro gli insetti molesti.

Ma non solo: questa nuova strategia è anche molto economica ed ecologicapoiché utilizza soltanto ingredienti naturali facilmente reperibili in casa o negli alimentari. Con questa tecnica è possibile evitare di utilizzare prodotti chimici dannosi per la salute umana e per l’ambiente circostante.

La nuova strategia si basa sul principio del “fai-da-te” ma con risultati sorprendenti nella prevenzione degli insetti fastidiosi nelle nostre case!

I vantaggi di questa miscela

La strategia di spruzzare una miscela di alcol, cannella, caffè e acqua ossigenata sui binari delle finestre per allontanare gli insetti ha diversi vantaggi che la rendono un’alternativa naturale ed efficace ai pesticidi chimici.

Innanzitutto, questa soluzione è molto economica, poiché tutti gli ingredienti sono facilmente reperibili in qualsiasi supermercato o drogheria. Non ci sono costi aggiuntivi come nel caso dei prodotti antizanzara e anti-insetti spray.

Another great advantage of the strategy is that it avoids exposure to chemicals that are harmful to human and animal health. This makes it particularly suitable for both families with pets and for those who want to reduce their impact on the environment.


By spraying this solution on the window tracks you can enjoy a healthier environment without compromising the quality of the indoor air of the house, because no toxic substances are released into the air.

Finally , using this natural method against insects also promotes a more ecological and sustainable lifestyle. In fact, by choosing natural remedies instead of chemical products, you contribute to the protection of planet Earth from the harmful effects of synthetic pesticides on the surrounding flora and fauna.

Spray This on the Window Rails: The Risks of the Strategy

Freedom from the annoying invasion of insects, bedbugs and flies is possible without the use of harmful chemicals . Creating our DIY spray with alcohol, cinnamon, coffee and hydrogen peroxide can be an effective and economical solution to keep insects out of your home.

However, as with any strategy that involves spraying anything in your home or near open windows, there are some risks to consider . For example, if you are allergic to the components of water or cinnamon, there could be an unwanted side effect. The spray bottle should be kept tightly closed and out of the reach of children.

Using a spray made of alcohol, coffee, cinnamon and water on your windows can certainly help eliminate annoying insects in a natural and economical way. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the risks associated with its application before use. Always remember that prevention is still the best strategy to avoid the invasion of insects in your home!

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