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This is why many housewives are starting to burn these leaves inside their homes

Housewives are starting to burn these leaves: this seems to be the reason, but what leaves are we talking about? To get the answer, just read the lines of the following article. Surely you will discover something completely new or unexpected.

burn leaves
burn leaves-

A recent novelty is that of burning particular leaves at home to benefit from various points of view. What are we talking about? It is a habit that many are acquiring. In the home world, in fact, there are real habits that many follow because they allow you to benefit. For example, many prepare infusions and herbal teas at home which therefore serve to keep your body healthy. Others dedicate themselves to particular activities, such as meditation, to be able to carve out some time for themselves and feel good about themselves. In addition to all these various habits, there is a ritual that in recent times is acquiring more and more popularity and consensus. Let’s see what it is.

Housewives are starting to burn these leaves: the first details

As mentioned earlier, many people burn leaves, but leaves of what? Bay leaves:  what is all this for? Why do we need to burn these leaves?

Bay leaves

Let’s start by saying that laurel is perhaps one of the most used aromatic plants in cooking, but also in home and traditional medicine as it has many beneficial properties that therefore allow you to have advantages and benefits from various points of view.

What is bay leaf used for ? Why is it used so much in our kitchens? Bay leaf is known above all because it is a very strong aromatic herb that makes every dish special. For example, it is used to flavor meat and roasts, but not only. It is also used to prepare infusions and herbal teas.

The reason why this plant is often used is to be found in its principles. These leaves , in fact, are rich in active ingredients including eucalyptus and eugenol which are essential oils that have very high properties especially at the intestinal level. In fact, they stimulate digestion and have a strong carminative power, that is, they promote the elimination of gastrointestinal gas.

Other properties of bay leaves are those of protection from free radicals and harmful microorganisms. In addition, these leaves also contain Vitamin C which stimulates the immune system and allows to protect the body from various inflammations and viruses. But let’s get to the heart of the matter: why should we burn these leaves?

Housewives Are Starting To Burn These Leaves: What Else To Know

Bay leaves contain, in addition to what has just been listed, also caffeic acid which is very useful for lowering bad cholesterol and therefore allows to counteract the effects related to cholesterol itself. Bay leaves also contain rutin which is a substance useful for maintaining the health of the blood capillaries present in our body.

In short, the properties of laurel are varied and this is why it is often present in the pantries of all homes and is used with high frequency. Needless to say, all these reasons make laurel a real medicine that therefore comes to our aid when we feel tired, too heavy on the stomach and when we cannot digest well.


For example, there are also many digestives that are made with bay leaves and therefore fulfill this function very well. In addition to using bay leaves in cooking in various ways, it is also used as a source of meditation and good vibrations. How? Here we are getting closer to what interests us most.

Housewives are starting to burn these leaves: a healthy habit

As we know, very often during meditation it is congenial to create a favorable environment with positive vibrations. One of the ways to create such an environment is to burn aromatic herbs or twigs of some plants so as to disperse some essences.

A habit that is gaining ground is that of burning bay leaves because these leaves contain essential oils that have relaxing and decongestant properties.


And this is precisely why people tend to burn these leaves: this ritual allows you to create a positive environment, to chase away negative vibrations and energies so as to have excellent benefits for your body too.

For example, one function that is performed by burning bay leaves is to relieve headaches. Many will ask: how is this possible?

The reason why laurel can do all this is to be found in its properties. In addition to those already mentioned above, in fact, laurel leaves also contain essential oils such as cineol , which is an oil with antibacterial and anti-bronchial properties, but also linalool which is an oil with relaxing and digestive properties. It is therefore these oils that make the environment pleasant but above all free from negative energies.

So what should we do?

In reality, this procedure is quite simple. In fact, it will be enough to burn some dried bay leaves in the ashtray. Therefore, it will not be necessary to inhale the smoke and the dispersed perfume, but it will be necessary to disperse this perfume throughout the room because it is important that the entire room is affected by this perfume .

In short, you should use bay leaves as you would use incense. This is what will create an excellent environment for the body but also for the mind.

So if you have reached the end of the article, not only will you have understood that it is important to have bay leaves at home, but that by burning bay leaves you can and will be able to give yourself a nice gift, since it can be useful to you and for the various reasons just listed. In short, we have something at home of such great value that it would be a shame not to know it and not to use it in the right way.

In the way we just presented which is really simple.

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