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Mothballs and vinegar, what happens when you mix them: the result is unexpected

Mothballs and vinegar, what happens when you mix them? The result is really unexpected. This is why these 2 elements can be very useful for you.

What comes out if  you mix mothballs and vinegar  ? Try this experiment and see the end result. You will create something very useful  .

Mothballs and vinegar, because they are very useful separately or together

Did you know that  combining different elements  can create something very useful? For example, have you ever wondered  what happens when you mix mothballs and vinegar? The end result will leave you speechless.

As you well know,  mothballs are a hydrocarbon  also used in  domestic life  to  disinfect environments, eliminate mold and keep moths out of wood.

On the market, we find it in the form  of white balls  and we can use it as a  repellent for some insects  , but also for  domestic cleaning  .

Vinegar, on the other hand, has extraordinary properties  . Versatile ingredient not only in the kitchen,  it is perfect as a disinfectant, whitener and disinfectant  . Excellent for polishing dishes but also for cleaning floors, it really lends itself to many household ideas.

As you can see, these two elements alone can solve many household problems. But what if we combine them? Their combined properties will be even more useful to us.

What happens if we combine these two elements: the results are extraordinary

Mothballs and vinegar, what happens if you mix them? Get ready to witness something truly incredible. These two elements alone are extraordinary, but together they can give life to something even more interesting and, above all, useful.

Follow these tips to  make a product  we guarantee you won’t be able to do without. Take  a fairly large bowl and pour in some white mothballs  that you will crush carefully with a mixer or with the help of a hammer.

Pour a liter of water into the bowl and mix the solution. Then add  100 ml of white vinegar  to make our solution also a disinfectant and add  3 full tablespoons of detergent or soap.

Pour another  100ml of alcohol  into your solution and continue stirring. You will notice that a foamy solution  will form. Add another  3 liters of water  to the basin (at room temperature) and  add a few drops of liquid dye  , the type that is generally used to color fabrics. Done. Your solution is ready.

Pour the contents of the basin into a  plastic bottle  , always with a holey lid, and start using this product that will be  perfect for polishing your floors.

All the ingredients we use, combined together, guarantee incredible cleaning for your tiles. The alcohol and vinegar  that we add to the solution  have a disinfecting and antibacterial effect,  while  the mothballs and soap have a degreasing and cleaning action.

With this new detergent made with your own hands,  you can avoid buying expensive  or commercially available  products that never clean the floor perfectly  . Try this method, we are sure you will be absolutely satisfied.

Have you ever seen how the combination of elements, no matter how different they may be, can give life to something incredible and above all useful? Mothballs and vinegar  actually lend themselves to a lot of useful things, especially when it comes to  household cleaning  .

You can use mothballs  to remove moisture  from the various rooms in your home or  to keep insects and moths out of closets  . Vinegar,  on the other hand, is a  natural disinfectant and antibacterial  , but above all it has a cleaning and degreasing action.

For example, try  cleaning rusty dishes or sink taps  with limescale deposits. You will see that in a few minutes  you will have dishes and taps like new.

Vinegar is also perfect for cleaning windows  . Just spray a little, perhaps diluted in water, on windows or door and shower glass and let it act for a few minutes. Then dry  with sheets of newspaper  and you will see incredible results: your windows will shine like never before.

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