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Plastic Garden Table, Here’s How to Clean It to Make It Shine Again

How to clean a plastic garden table? There is an extraordinary method to make it look like new: the experts speak.

Plastic table
Plastic table

The choice of a hard plastic garden table is always excellent. This accessory is useful for spending days in your outdoor space relaxing or for a dinner with friends. After a long winter, the plastic becomes very black and dirty with rain and debris that encrust along the surface . Even if a sheet is used to cover and protect it, there is nothing to do and everyone believes they have to change it. Thanks to cleaning experts, a method is revealed, with completely natural ingredients that help make the table look like new again.

The ingredient to clean the plastic garden table

After a long winter it’s time to take out the plastic garden table . Unfortunately, between rain and mud it is no longer as beautiful as it once was: in most cases we decide to throw it away and replace it with a new one. Cleaning experts teach an extraordinary method, using a natural ingredient that is always present in all homes: white wine vinegar.

Cleaning the plastic garden table
Cleaning the plastic garden

For spring cleaning, the plastic garden table will be as good as new. How to do it? Simple, just pour 2 liters of hot water into a large basin, adding black soap. Pour 10cl of white wine vinegar and then mix.

Take a sponge and soak it and then pass it well over the table. Leave it to act for a few minutes and rinse well, drying with a clean and soft cloth. The table is now as good as new and you can move directly to cleaning the chairs. Obviously, you should never use the abrasive side of the sponge because you risk ruining the plastic.

Not only that, it is better not to let it dry in the sun because it could get ruined. There is still one last step to polish it and protect it from the elements . Using car wax the table will become shiny and rainproof in a few seconds.

Ways to Clean and Polish Garden Furniture

There are also other natural methodsthat can be used to completely clean the plastic garden table. One of the ingredients to always have on hand is baking soda. For encrusted stains, just take a sponge, pour some baking soda and then pass directly over the surface. Rinse with clean and abundant water and then dry completely.

Baking soda for plastic
Sodium bicarbonate for

This is a slightly abrasive ingredient, so it may scratch the surface. The advice is to use it gently using the sponge on the soft side.

Lemon is another great ingredient for cleaning. Its acidic action helps eliminate surface grease. Just leave half a lemon juice on the stains for five minutes, then rinse and dry the surface well. In a short time the table will be as clean as new.

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