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Removes any stain from carpet, don’t waste money at the dry cleaner: use this

When a stain forms on the carpet there is always a certain concern: with this remedy it will disappear very quickly.

Dirty carpet
Dirty Carpet –

Homeowners love to furnish their rooms with furniture that is in step with the times, that enhances the interiors, making them attractive and pleasant. In many rooms it is easy to find a carpet , often even a valuable one. Most carpets adapt perfectly to the place and also manage to reduce heat dispersion inside the room. However, carpets also get dirty, as those who have one (or more than one) at home know well. Sometimes, when difficult stains form on the carpet , it seems really complicated to restore it to its original condition.

Stain on the carpet, how to remove it in a few minutes: the infallible remedy

What products can help us in this case? Among the most popular natural stain removers there is definitely baking soda, capable of guaranteeing clear effectiveness. Baking soda is useful and practical for cleaning encrusted stains, including the most difficult ones. It is truly the natural and economical product to always have on hand.

Stain on the carpet
Stain on the carpet –

For example, if we dirty the carpet with Betadine – the well-known medicine with excellent antiseptic action – we tend to think that we have done irreparable damage.

In reality, this is not the case. You need to act very quickly and pass the stain under cold water, then sprinkle it with baking soda and leave it to act for 15 minutes. Finally, just carefully remove the baking soda, adding a final glass of cold water. The result is guaranteed even with a stain caused by iodine.

What happens, instead, if the cigarette falls on the carpet and burns a small part? Even in this case we can rely on baking soda, capable of eliminating the stain that formed with the burn . Just sprinkle dry baking soda on the stain, moistening everything with a few drops of water.

Those who live in a house with one or more children know that the carpet can get dirty because of the little ones. Just think of colored pencils and markers.The remedy is always baking soda.

Baking soda is ideal in this case

In a bowl, mix 1/4 water and 3/4 baking soda to make a paste to apply to the stain . The treatment is left to act for an hour, then rinse and dry. We will be speechless when we see that the stain has completely disappeared.

Clean the carpet
Cleaning the carpet –

You may also notice a stain on your carpet and not understand where it comes from, or how long ago it formed. In these cases, it is a good idea to fill a bowl with cold water and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda . Take a clean sponge (or rag), wet it with the baking soda and dab the stain.

The final step is to rinse and dry. The stain should go away , but if it ‘resists’ you can safely repeat the operation. Alternatively you can try sprinkling the stains with a little baking soda and let it dry completely, then brush gently before rinsing with clean water.

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