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If you want to keep snakes away from your garden, cut the lawn like this: they won’t come near you.

Mow your lawn like this: you can keep snakes away forever. Here’s how to keep them away from your home.Snakes in the Garden –

The presence of snakes in the garden can certainly be a valid cause for discomfort and fear . Snakes are potentially dangerous animals, keeping them away is essential, especially if we are not good at recognizing the various species. There are harmless snakes and poisonous snakes , but when in doubt we must always try to keep them away. The dangers of a bite from a poisonous snake are too great to ignore the possibility and the consequences. Even the mere thought of finding a snake near our home could make us shudder.

They are able to penetrate inside our home walls without us even realizing it. They can do so through cracks, through drains and ventilation ducts . Other times, however, they can enter our home even just through the door or window, especially if we live in a marshy area or near a river. In these areas, in fact, their presence is much more widespread and problematic. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep the situation under control and protect ourselves from them. Let’s see together how to do it and how to protect ourselves starting from the way we cut the lawn.

Keep snakes away from your home

Snakes are animals that can easily enter our home if we do not pay attention to some details. For example, if we do not seal every window and every door well, we could have unpleasant surprises.

They are reptiles that prefer dark, narrow and humid spaces. As a result, the probability of finding one in the cellar and in the most narrow places in the house increases.

If you are wondering why a snake is driven to enter your home, the answer is that they are looking for food, prey such as small mammals and insects. In our country it is not a very common problem, but some areas, more than others, are at risk from the month of July to that of September.Snakes in the Garden –

Snakes do not come to us with the purpose of hurting us and harming us, there is no need to chase them away through the use of harmful substances or to hurt them unjustly. What we must do is simply prevent the conditions from being created that are suitable for their appearance.

For example, it is best not to keep garbage bins in the garden that are attractive to reptiles. Another important measure is to keep away house mice and birds: they are the favorite prey of snakes. The most important thing of all, however, is the lawn in our garden.

There is a specific way to maintain your lawn to avoid attracting snakes. Here’s how to take care of your garden .

Important step: cutting the grass

There is no doubt: the very first factor to pay attention to is the garden of our house to be able to drive away snakes permanently.

Unkempt, tall , wild grasses are the perfect place for snakes. These animals love to be able to hide and slither in such places: they feel safer.

If we don’t eliminate them, they could creep in and approach undisturbed. We must periodically mow the grass in the garden and always keep hedges and flower beds in order . In addition, it is a good idea to eliminate all bushes, avoid piling up wood: they are potential hiding places.Snakes in the garden

The grass in the garden must always be low and tidy , free from objects that could represent hiding places. By keeping the garden clean and tidy we can be sure that it will no longer be an inviting place for snakes. These are precautions to take to live safely and protect the people we love.

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