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Place it where you plant cucumbers and they immediately come to life: they grow abundantly

Do you like cucumbers and want to grow them and get a good harvest? Here’s what to use to give vigor to the plant.Cucumber Ingredient – ​​

Excellent food for the intestine, because it purifies and cleanses, cucumber is much loved for its properties and for this reason it is advisable to include it in the diet. This food , thanks to its water and potassium content, is very purifying and if consumed regularly helps eliminate toxins and waste that cause water retention, acidity in the blood, slow down the metabolism, and promote the formation of cellulite.

Thanks to its exceptional purifying effects, cucumber is therefore suitable for eating in salads or proposed in other tasty recipes. But how to have a good supply at home? Growing it is simple, but to obtain an abundant harvest and tasty fruits you must use a natural fertilizer, specifically prepared with onion peels. Here’s how to do it!Cucumbers –

Properties of onion peels

Onion peels are a great natural ingredient and excellent fertilizer for plants, especially cucumbers. Few people know this, but onion peels are an exceptional supplement to the soil and make a great contribution to obtaining quality cucumbers in good quantity .

Whether dried or used in the natural version, onion peels are free because you can take them from the onions you buy at the supermarket and therefore also save you money . They allow you to easily prepare a liquid solution or an infusion to nourish the soil, ensuring efficiency and versatility, much better than other expensive fertilizers.

Onion peel for cucumbers

Giving cucumber plants a helping hand to grow and develop well is a great idea and you can do it by using only natural fertilizer. By using a natural fertilizer you get a big saving of money and also you ensure on the table an organic food , grown without substances harmful to health. How to use onion peel to get cucumbers in quantity and also tasty? Here’s how to do it:

  • Take 1 handful of chopped onion peels;
  • Place them in the hole in the ground prepared for the plant;
  • Cover them with soil and then plant the cucumber;
  • Move the soil closer to the seedling and water.

With this great help since you plant the cucumber you will ensure vigor and strength to the plant and it will grow lush. You can also use the peels to free the plant from parasites, spreading them along the ground around the plant.

Liquid fertilizer with onion peels

Alternatively, you can also prepare a natural liquid fertilizer based on onion peels. Here’s how you should proceed:

  • Take a handful of chopped onion peels;
  • Place them in a glass container;
  • Pour 1 litre of hot water inside ;
  • Leave the solution to infuse for 6/12 hours.

After the time has passed, filter the solution and pour it at the base of the plant once every 2 weeks . Or, you can spray the solution on the leaves once every 10/14 days . The cucumbers will grow lush and you will get an enviable harvest!Cucumbers –

In addition to preparing liquid fertilizer, onion peels can be used to make a real infusion to treat cucumber plants and obtain a beautiful harvest. Here’s what you need to prepare the infusion:

  • 100 grams of onion peels;
  • 5 liters of warm water.

Mix the two ingredients and leave the mixture to infuse for five days, then filter it. This onion infusion should then be sprayed on the cucumber plants at least three times every five days . The solution allows you to eliminate mites from the plants , but also fleas, aphids and midges.

At the same time it is ideal for watering cucumbers without turning the leaves yellow. To prevent yellowing, spray the onion infusion 2-3 times during the summer , using a common watering can.

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