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Apple peels, immerse them in a jar full of water: unexpected what happens

In this article, we will show you what you can do with apple peels and other scraps. Here’s what you can get if you soak these items in a jar of water.Apple peels –

Apples are one of the most common fruits on Italian tables. The famous saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not just a saying, but it actually testifies to the incredible benefits of enjoying this fruit frequently .

Apples, in fact, are rich in fiber and vitamins and allow us to always keep our body perfectly hydrated, since they are mainly composed of water. These fruits also contain antioxidant substances and many mineral salts .

Eating apples also brings real benefits to our intestines. It becomes very important, therefore, to taste apples frequently for a correct diet, as it happens with all fruits.

When you are about to enjoy the apple, you will have to remove the outer peel . The fruit can also be enjoyed with the entire peel, as long as it is washed safely. In fact, the peel contains many vitamins, including vitamin K. However, not everyone likes this element.

If you peel the apple before eating it, you should know that it does not necessarily have to be thrown in the organic waste. In fact, the peels can be useful in the preparation of an ingredient that is widely used in cooking , but not only. What are we referring to? Here are all the details on the matter.

Put the apple peels in the water: you will obtain a specific ingredient with this procedure

An ingredient widely used in cooking, but also in cleaning, will be made from apples. It is apple cider vinegar . Like wine vinegar, white vinegar or alcohol vinegar, this ingredient is also highly appreciated for adding flavour to various recipes and for being effective in sanitizing specific surfaces .Apple peels –

Apple cider vinegar, in the culinary field, is mainly used as an excellent dressing for many vegetable-based salads . It can be used, in fact, depending on the tastes of different people, as an alternative to balsamic vinegar for this dressing.

However, with apple cider vinegar, you can also make many savory and sweet recipes . For example, it goes very well with the making of cakes, but it is also very useful in the actual leavening of many desserts. Among the many possible creations in the kitchen with apple cider vinegar there is also that relating to homemade mayonnaise.

As anticipated, however, apple cider vinegar can also have its say in a different area, namely that relating to household cleaning . This ingredient, in fact, has excellent sanitizing and degreasing properties. It will therefore be very useful for disinfecting many surfaces.

Apple cider vinegar also has the advantage of removing pungent odors from electric and microwave ovens. Simply dissolve it in water and rub the mixture onto the surfaces to be cleaned, simply with a sponge or cloth.

Let’s find out now how to make homemade apple cider vinegar , starting from peels and other scraps . Here are all the details on how to prepare this ingredient.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Here’s How to Make It with the Peels of This Fruit

The process for making apple cider vinegar is really very simple and within everyone’s reach. To make this ingredient, you can use not only apple pieces, but also all its scraps, such as peels and cores . Are you ready to discover all the steps to make an impeccable apple cider vinegar? Here’s everything you need to know about it.Apple Cider Vinegar –

The first thing to do is to take some apples and cut them into medium and small pieces. You will place these pieces inside a jar , along with the peels and cores . At this point, all you have to do is pour water until the jar is full. The apples and scraps, however, should fill about half a jar.

After having done these operations, it will be the turn of the sugar . As for dosage, it will be appropriate to add a large spoonful of sugar for every 250 milliliters of water. It will then be necessary to mix everything, so that the sugar dissolves well.

Now all you have to do is cover the jar with cotton wool , so that no insects or midges enter the jar. For about 15 days, the mixture must be kept in a cool, dark place and everything must be mixed at least once a day.

As the days pass, the liquid will become darker and darker , due to the natural fermentation process. After the 15 days required have passed, you can filter the liquid , separating it from the various pieces of apple and the scraps.

But that’s not all. To complete the fermentation process , the liquid obtained will be put into another jar and left inside for about a month and a half . You will have obtained your apple cider vinegar.

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