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Putting a spoon on the heater will save you on bills

Putting a spoon on the heater will save you on your bills

Temperatures are starting to drop and this is just the beginning. The approaching onset of winter will force many households to use radiators. This puts many families to the test: They have to be creative and find certain alternatives in order not to ruin themselves at the end of the month. To avoid racking up your electric bill while staying warm at home, it’s important not to waste the heat provided by radiators. This trick is timely: a single spoonful of this product will give you unexpected results. Discover it!

What should be put on the radiators to save energy?

A radiator – Source: spm

Before even mentioning energy consumption, you should be aware that continuous use of a high temperature heater at home can cause health problems in children and the elderly. The recommended range is generally between 18 and 20°C. A warmer temperature would be detrimental, not to mention the risk of inflating your monthly bill.

However, if you want to save money, you should be careful not to scatter the heat from the radiators. It may seem trivial to you, but poor maintenance can cause it to malfunction, preventing you   from saving money on the bill  . If the heater is clogged, it can affect its main function: if the heat is not released properly, the device risks consuming more energy, which will directly affect the bill.

To clean your radiators and effectively remove all dust and dirt residues, the following trick is very promising. Who would have thought, but a simple spoonful of lemon combined with baking soda will do the trick perfectly!

Here’s how:

  • Prepare the solution: pour a spoonful of lemon juice and a little baking soda into a glass of water
  • Apply this mixture to your radiators using a clean cloth.
  • Rinse and let dry.

And voila! Your radiators are clean, cleaned and ready for use again. As a bonus, you will have the pleasant surprise of smelling a fresh and lemony scent as soon as you turn it on.

Another tip: For very effective cleaning, you can also alternate with this other product. It consists of using a spoonful of white vinegar to which you can also add the same amount of alcohol and a liter of water. In this way the heaters will be perfectly degreased and free of any dirt.

More intelligent ways to optimize heating

Adjust cooler – Source: spm

  • Even in the middle of winter, ventilation must be carried out to reduce toxins and possible allergies caused by dust mites and mold. It is therefore necessary to ventilate the rooms briefly but intensively in the morning and evening. It is advisable to open the windows wide, let enough fresh air into the room and close them again after a few minutes. Such a technique is much more beneficial than leaving the window open for a longer period of time.
  • Have you ever thought about   bleeding your radiators ? Sometimes we turn them on without realizing that they are not working properly. If the radiator heats poorly even at maximum temperature, this probably means that there is air in it. To bleed a radiator it is very simple: you just have to turn the small screw located at the top of the device. You can quickly solve the problem with a screwdriver. The compressed air inside can easily escape.
  • It goes without saying, but it would of course be wiser to close the bedroom doors to keep the heat inside. Knowing that it is always much easier to heat a small room than a large room. If you leave the door open, the warm air from the room escapes into the cooler hallway. This will give the impression that the room is not being heated enough and you will be tempted to increase the temperature a little. And to think that a simple gesture of common sense can reduce the bill!

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