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When to plant tomatoes? Be careful not to get the month wrong if you want them juicy

Here’s what you need to know when planting tomatoes to avoid mistakes and have juicy tomatoes. Growing Tomatoes –

When you dedicate yourself to the cultivation of tomato plants, it is essential to know perfectly all the rules to apply. Indications that will help you to have a good success of tomatoes. One of these rules is certainly the one related to the period in which you have to plant the tomato plants . It is essential not to get the month wrong , if you want to get excellent tomatoes.

When to plant tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the most widespread and used plants in Italian gardens . However, to allow them to grow in the most appropriate way, you need to have a lot of knowledge that allows you to avoid making mistakes.

Below, therefore, you will discover what is the best period for planting tomatoes , as well as further suggestions in this regard that you can apply as you continue with this work.When to plant

Tomatoes are undoubtedly one of the most appreciated and cultivated fruits in the whole Italian territory. There are various types of tomatoes, such as San Marzano and the round ones in the bunch format. Each of these can be cooked in a different way and has its own personal and very characteristic taste.

When you bring to the table dishes based on this ingredient, made with your own hands, the taste in eating them can only increase by far. When should you plant them?

Now you will discover the favourite period for tomatoes , which is equivalent to the best time to plant them.

In this regard, it is first necessary to know that this fruit does not like the most intense cold typical of the winter months. From this, it can be well understood that the best time to plant tomatoes is the one based on a warm climate , since it allows them to grow in the best way.

Here’s how and when to do it

Sticking to what has been said up to this point, the best period to plant tomatoes is certainly the months of May and June

One aspect to consider in these cases is undoubtedly the place of belonging because if for example you live in the southern areas, sowing could be brought forward to the beginning of April because the temperatures of the area allow it.

A reasoning that certainly cannot be made in places located in the North of Italy.

The soil where you are going to plant tomatoes, to be ideal, must be fertile , perfectly drained and enriched with nutrients . To be able to prepare it in the most suitable way, there is the possibility of using a natural fertilizer .

The latter must then be mixed with the soil, adjusting according to the quantities recommended by experts.

For sowing, it is suggested to plant the tomatoes in rows , spaced approximately 50 centimetres apart, so as to facilitate air circulation and uniformity in water distribution.

Then continue by digging holes in the soil, which should be about 10 centimetres deep.

In each hole you will place a tomato plant , keeping the roots as extended as possible. After positioning the plants, the best advice is to cover the roots with a lot of soil , pressing it down delicately, in such a way as to avoid any air pockets.

By following these tips, your tomatoes will be pleasantly juicy, thus flavoring every recipe with their unique and unmistakable taste.

Properties of tomatoes: here’s what they are

Eating tomatoes also means ensuring very important benefits. These are characterized by the presence of water and a low fat content. Therefore, tomatoes provide few calories, yet they represent a precious source of nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C and K.

Tomatoes, precisely because they contain beneficial substances, are able to protect against tumors, reduce blood pressure, and fight aging.

They can also help us protect our eyesight, thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin which are able to help us protect our eyes from the sun’s rays.

Precisely because tomatoes contain potassium and water, they stimulate diuresis, therefore they can reduce water retention and they are also able to help us strengthen our bones, thanks to vitamin K.

In short, tomatoes can be a valid ally and, introduced into your diet, can really act as a help for various reasons.

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