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The powerful natural method to keep flies, mosquitoes and other insects away from your home

We will show you how to make a completely natural and effective way to keep your house away from mosquitoes and insects. Here are all the details and the procedure to get it. Glass jar –

With the arrival of summer, here come the mosquitoes as punctual as a Swiss clock . A real torture for many people. In fact, there are very few “lucky” people who are not bitten by these insects that infest the vast majority of areas of our territory. Especially in the evening and night hours, they arrive in droves and it will be necessary to take adequate measures to combat them .

One of these, for example, involves the use of some repellents on the body . Spraying our skin with some products that can be purchased on the market could stop mosquitoes from biting us. It will always be better to choose natural and non-chemical products.

Smells like lavender , cinnamon or citronella , for example, are not at all appreciated by mosquitoes, which will certainly take other routes. There are many other methods to fight mosquitoes. Many people, especially those who live in the countryside or in less central areas, choose to install mosquito nets on every window in the house, including those on the balcony.

Many municipalities, then, prepare real periodic moves to keep mosquitoes away, through disinfestations . They can be done both in spring and summer.

In this article, however, we want to talk about a natural method that is truly very effective to best combat mosquitoes , but not only that. In fact, it will also serve to keep flies or any other insect away . Here are all the details on how to obtain this natural remedy.

Want to keep insects away? Here’s a simple and effective natural remedy

Many people wait for the arrival of summer to spend much more time outdoors, in the garden or on the balcony of their home. Being able to take advantage of the environment adjacent to their home can be useful for hosting friends and relatives and for spending a few relaxing evenings with loved ones. The presence of insects and mosquitoes , however, could “ruin” these moments.Mosquito –

Mosquitoes, flies and other insects can invade not only the outside area, but also the inside of the house. To keep these two threats away, it will be essential to act preventively . We have already mentioned some methods, such as installing mosquito nets, spraying natural repellents or the disinfestation action by the Municipalities.

Many times, however, these moves may not be enough. Many people buy citronella candles or many other repellents to keep flies and mosquitoes away . These products can effectively combat the spread of insects, but they also have a fairly expensive price.

If you want to avoid spending a lot of money on these products, here in this article we propose a natural solution that is very easy to obtain . You will only need a few ingredients and the insects will be just a sad memory. Here is everything you need to know.

The natural solution to no longer having to fight flies, mosquitoes and other insects: here’s how to make it

The first thing to do is to get a jar or a glass . Inside it you will have to add a few spoonfuls of salt . At this point, you will have to get the main ingredient to implement the effective natural remedy to keep mosquitoes, flies and all other insects away. We are referring to coffee powder .Coffee to keep insects away –

Fill the glass almost entirely with ground coffee. This ingredient is an excellent natural repellent against insects . In fact, they will be annoyed by the smell it gives off. After adding salt and ground coffee, the next step to follow will be to take a wick , extracting it from a candle.

Create a hole inside the ground coffee and insert the wick. At this point, cover the area, being careful not to let the wick sink. But that’s not all. Add some cloves to the surface of the coffee . Mosquitoes and other insects also hate the smell released by these elements.

You will then have completed the process. All you have to do is light the wick . The smell of coffee and cloves will be released into the air. Mosquitoes , flies and insects will stay well away from that area .

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