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Don’t plant cucumbers without this ingredient, it instantly doubles your harvest

To double your cucumber harvest you need to use this ingredient: never plant them without this. Below we will see all the details.Underground Plant –

Cucumber is a vegetable crop used in cooking and can be grown easily in your own garden. In fact, it is an unpretentious plant and is quite simple to grow. It does not require particular soil and care needs but ideally it needs fertile soil and fertilizers to use.

The cucumber plant grows very fast and develops just as quickly. It should be placed in a sunny place and if it takes already after about 40 days you can get the first harvest . So if the summer is long they can be planted several times during the season.Don’t Plant Cucumbers Without This Ingredient – ​​

Before choosing seeds for sowing, however, pay attention to what type of cucumber you choose. There are self-pollinated hybrids or parthenocarpic cucumbers. Or even self-pollinated by bees that give more fruit if planted in the ground and not in a greenhouse. But never plant cucumbers without this ingredient that we see below.

Never plant cucumbers without this: the harvest will be much greater

To plant cucumbers you have to wait for the temperatures to rise. If during the day there are more than 20°C and at night more than 15°C it may be the right time. The soil at the time of sowing must be warm, at least 18°C. Then you can start and buy the variety that suits you.

The first step is to germinate the seeds . So take a container and put inside the toilet paper folded in layers, about 2 or 3. We moisten the paper but not only with water. The ingredient that you must use before planting the cucumbers in fact must be put in now and it is the glucose powder.How to sprout cucumbers –

Since glucose powder is used for sweets, you can find it in most well-stocked supermarkets or online. You need to dilute 0.5 grams of glucose in 1 L of water. Glucose activates the growth processes and gives energy to plants for germination and development .

In the water with the glucose then add also some Vitamin C for plants (you can also find it with the name of ascorbic acid). Here you will need less, only 0.1 grams. This instead increases immunity and resistance to stress. Then wet the toilet paper and then spread the seeds on the paper. Close with a lid or a bag to create a greenhouse effect. Place in a warm place and wait 4 days.

Transition from sowing to soil

Once the time has passed, take the small greenhouse created again and there should be some sprouts. Thanks to the vitamins and glucose, the sprouts will all have come out and will have strong and developed roots. Before planting them in a pot, it is better to wait for a growth stage of the stem of about 5 centimeters .

You can then transfer the sprouts individually into cups with soil . Add soil, make a hole to be able to put the roots in without damaging them. Remember not to tear the roots but to place them in the soil with a piece of paper still attached to them.Cucumber Plant –

Now that the sprouts are in the glass and the roots are covered with soil, pour a few drops of the fertilizer used previously again. Place them on a sunny windowsill and wait until the stem is about 0.5 cm in diameter and there are several leaves .

Prepare the soil by digging a hole of about 20 centimeters and put some wood ash in the bottom . This is rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and more. A spoonful is enough, which you will then mix with the soil. Sprinkle more soil and add more organic matter. Then you can plant a cucumber plant.

Remove the cup by cutting and then cover with soil until completely covered. Now you can start using other fertilizers and you can choose the one you like. Many are made with natural ingredients and are really good. Wait a bit and you will see how many cucumbers will grow .

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