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Cherry stems, don’t throw them away: put them to boil immediately and watch what happens

Not everyone knows that cherry stems have extraordinary properties: just boil them to obtain something exceptional.Cherry stems –

The summer season is always welcomed with great joy by many, especially by those who love to savor the fruits of the warmer months. Among these are certainly cherries , fruits that in addition to having a truly tasty flavor also manage to guarantee a series of beneficial properties for the body. Suffice it to say that cherries are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C , two elements that greatly raise the level of functioning of the immune defenses. In addition, cherries also provide many other properties, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus , calcium and folic acid.

Cherry stems need to be stored with care: here’s why

It is generally said that one cherry leads to another: the excellent flavor of these fruits really pushes you to consume them in large quantities . Very often, however, when you eat cherries you tend to throw away the stems of the same.Cherry stems –

A bad habit, since the stem is also rich in nutrients , just like the fruit.

Cherry stems, in fact, contain oils and potassium salts that act as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory, as well as having powerful detoxifying properties.

For all these reasons, cherry stems should not be thrown away. Instead, the advice is to collect them, dry them and store them in a container , so as to always have them available.

In fact, with the stems you can also make an excellent tea that guarantees enormous benefits for the body.

The stems are valuable above all for their excellent diuretic function, since they promote the elimination of excess water in the body and cleanse the organism very effectively.

In addition, cherry stems are known to have great laxative properties , so they are especially recommended for people who suffer from constipation. In addition, cherries are also indicated to fight cellulite and obesity.

The first thing to do is to wash the cherries thoroughly under cold water before separating the fruit from the stems. We place the stems on a small plate and then in a container , leaving them to dry for a few days to obtain an even more effective tea.

How to make great tea with the discarded part

At this point you can proceed to prepare the tea. Let’s heat some water (about 500 ml) in a saucepan. When it boils, add a spoonful of cherry stalks.Cherry stem tea –

After a few minutes, cover everything with a lid and let it rest for about twenty minutes . After this time, you can filter and drink the tea, enjoying its great benefits right away.

Cherry stem tea has a truly exceptional fruity taste: the advice is to drink it two or three times a day to best assimilate all the beneficial properties guaranteed by the stems.

After a few days our body will begin to function much better thanks to the diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory and purifying action of cherry stem tea.

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