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Hydrangeas, how to multiply them by cutting: only in this way can you reproduce them infinitely

How to multiply hydrangeas directly from cuttings? Expert nurserymen explain the method to always use.Hydrangeas

Do you want to multiply hydrangeas starting from its cutting? Nothing simpler, with a pinch of green thumb and a great desire to see this creation with a few simple steps. Let’s discover together all the advice of the expert nurseryman to do it best.

How do you propagate hydrangeas from cuttings?

Propagating hydrangeas through cuttings is an effective method for growing new plants from existing specimens. This technique, if followed correctly, allows you to successfully propagate this fascinating ornamental plant.

First of all, it is important to choose the right time to propagate by cuttings. The ideal season is spring or autumn, when the plant is in an active growth phase. Select a healthy and robust mother plant, preferably with young and vigorous lateral branches.Multiplying

Once you have identified the right mother plant , proceed to take the cuttings. Cut a lateral branch of about 10-15 centimeters in length, preferably with two or three nodes. Use a sharp knife or a pair of clean and disinfected garden shears to avoid the spread of disease.

After taking the cuttings, it is important to prepare them correctly to encourage rooting. Remove the basal leaves, leaving only those at the upper end . If the leaves are very large, you can reduce their size slightly to reduce moisture loss.

At this point, dip the base of the cuttings in a rooting hormone powder, following the manufacturer’s instructions. This will encourage root development and speed up the rooting process.

Next, insert the cuttings into a light, well-drained medium, such as a mixture of peat moss and perlite. Place them in a container or plastic tray, keeping at least 2 inches (5 centimeters) between the cuttings. Cover the container with a clear plastic bag or use a greenhouse to create a controlled, humid environment.

Place the cuttings in a bright area, but avoid direct exposure to strong sunlight. Keep the soil consistently moist, but do not overwater to prevent root rot.

After a few weeks, roots will begin to develop and the cuttings will root. This can take two to four weeks, depending on the environmental conditions and the variety of hydrangea.

What to do after the cutting has rooted well?

Once the hydrangea cuttings have rooted properly , they can be transplanted into individual pots or directly into the open ground. Choose a location with good exposure to sunlight and prepare the soil with humus or compost to ensure healthy growth of the new plants.Hydrangea propagation by

During the first few months, young plants will require special care and attention . Keep the soil moist, but not overly wet, and protect the plants from strong winds or extreme temperatures.

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