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Pot Stains on Balcony Floor, Here’s How to Remove Them in a Few Steps

Are there all the pot stains on the balcony floor? You can remove them quickly with expert advice.Halos of the vases –

Many people who own a balcony and have green fingers face a common problem: the marks left by flower pots on the floor. These unsightly marks can cause concern and require a thorough investigation to identify the causes. Not only that, thanks to cleaning experts, it’s time to learn about the ingredients that help eliminate them forever.

What causes toilet stains on the floor?

The halos left by flower pots on the balcony can be caused by several factors.

Plant transpiration is one of the main ones. During the process of photosynthesis, plants release moisture into the surrounding environment. When flower pots are placed directly on the floor, moisture can accumulate and leave visible marks.

Another common cause is water stagnation in saucers or in saucers placed under the pots. If the excess water is not properly drained or removed, it can leak out of the saucer and leave stains on the floor.Aloni vases plants of the

Condensation can be a cause of halos if the flowerpots are placed in an area with large temperature variations or if the air humidity is high. The temperature difference between the pot and the surrounding environment can cause condensation to form, which, if not dried promptly, can leave halos on the floor.

The materials used for the pots can contribute. Terracotta or unglazed ceramics can absorb moisture and leave stains on the floor. In these cases, it is advisable to use saucers or special protectors to avoid direct contact between the pot and the floor.

Remedy to remove halos from the balcony

The stains left by flowerpots on the balcony can be annoying to see and compromise the overall appearance of the area. There is a natural solution and it is precisely the cleaning experts who recommend it.

The ingredients are:

  • Fresh lemons;
  • White wine vinegar;
  • Warm water.

Method that eliminates

Start by making a cleaning solution by mixing equal amounts of warm water and white vinegar in a bucket or container.

Cut the lemons in half and squeeze the juice into the prepared cleaning solution. The lemon juice will act as a natural bleaching and cleaning agent, helping to remove stubborn stains.

Pour the cleaning solution on the affected areas of the balcony, focusing on the stains left by flower pots. Leave it to act for a few minutes, maximum 20.

Use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the treated areas. The brush will help remove dirt and smudges, while the soft bristles will prevent damage to the floor . Make sure to brush evenly across the entire affected area.

Once the balcony is brushed, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any solution residue and dirt. Use a clean cloth to dry the area completely and allow the floor to air dry.

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