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After doing this, all your orchids will bloom non-stop – give it a try

Do you want your orchids to grow lush and bloom all year round? Here’s what you need to do to achieve this result and you’ll see that you’ll always have splendid orchids and abundant blooms!Blooming Orchid –

Are your orchids growing slowly and producing few flowers? Don’t worry, here’s what you need to use to have orchids that are always lush and blooming all year round. It doesn’t take much to take care of these plants that need an organic fertilizer to develop better and produce splendid flowers. Here’s what you need to do to achieve this result!Orchids –

How to make an onion fertilizer

Obtaining an organic fertilizer is easy, just use natural ingredients that you also have on hand. In fact, you do not have to buy special things, an onion is enough, which you surely already have at home, and therefore you can use it to obtain an excellent natural fertilizer . Here is how you have to do it:

  • Take an onion, remove the peel and cut it into small pieces;
  • Place the chopped onion peels in a glass jar containing 1 liter of water;
  • Close the jar and place it in a cool place for 24 hours covered with a cloth to avoid light;
  • Once the time has passed, take the jar and filter the contents with a strainer, pouring it into a jug.

Use the resulting solution to water your orchids, first placing the plant in a larger container, so that the water can flow out without falling out. Leave the water to act for 25 minutes , then remove it from the container because the excess water will have flowed out . This way, no stagnation will occur and the roots will not rot, so the plant will grow healthy and strong. In the meantime, perform another method to reinvigorate orchids, here’s which one.

The milk and water method for leaves

One way to keep orchid leaves healthy and vigorous is to use water and milk. Here’s how you do it:

  • Put two tablespoons of water in a glass;
  • Add a spoonful of fresh milk without sugar and mix;
  • Take a make-up remover pad and soak it in the solution;
  • Squeeze the pad and gently pass it over the leaves.

In this way the leaves will become shiny and will absorb the nutrients contained in the prepared solution. The effect will be to keep them healthy and green, but the solution is also effective in keeping away insects and parasites that could attack them and generate dangerous infections.

Carefully pass the disk over the upper and lower surfaces. To have more blooms during the year, every 2 or 3 years repot the plant and place it in a larger one, so as to allow the roots to develop better. With this system you will surely obtain abundant and long-lasting blooms.Watering Orchids –

Tips for growing orchids at their best

If your orchids have few leaves and few flowers, then here are some tips to make them grow better and stimulate production:

  • Remove all rotten or damaged parts delicately and using sterilized scissors;
  • Repot when the roots do not have much space and the substrate is loose. Use soil composed mostly of tree bark, light and draining;
  • Water the plant correctly , abundantly but sporadically and when the soil is completely dry.
  • Place the plant in the right position , in bright places but avoiding direct exposure to sunlight;
  • To grow better, orchids should be planted in transparent pots;
  • Use organic fertilizer as directed above.

By following all these tips your orchids will be splendid and will produce lots of flowers all year round. In this way you will be able to grow many plants and decorate your home with these beautiful flowers, also present in various colors, one more beautiful than the other, and obtain wonderful flowered corners by combining them together.

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