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Why Do Geckos Come to the Balcony? The Real Reason That Drives Them to Do So Revealed

With the arrival of the summer months, geckos start to appear on the balcony and even inside the house: why do they do it?Gecko on the balcony –

With the return of summer and very high temperatures, we tend to open the windows to allow all the rooms in our house to enjoy the sun’s rays and also to circulate as much air as possible. However, opening the windows leaves the field open to all the insects that slowly return to invade the house. Let’s think for example of flies and bees, but also mosquitoes . Furthermore, with the return of summer we see other little animals that love high temperatures appear much more often in the house. Among these are geckos , which in the summer months are easily noticed on the walls of the house and also on the ceilings.

Geckos on the Balcony and in the House, Here’s What Attracts Them: You Shouldn’t Send Them Away

What brings geckos to arrive on our balcony and in some cases to enter the rooms of our home? This little animal, whose scientific name is Tarentola mauritanica , goes in search of the same food that the lizard feeds on, with which it shares the kinship.Gecko –

The gecko, in fact, eats flies and mosquitoes, but also cockroaches and moths . Compared to the lizard, it also has an edge, since the suckers on its legs are ideal for climbing walls and moving on any surface.

To make a long story short, geckos tend to be seen on our balconies and sometimes even inside the house because they know that in these areas they can find food . In addition, geckos love warmth and tranquility: two characteristics that they can easily find in the rooms of our house.

What to do when you come across a gecko inside your home? Is it necessary to send it away? Actually, no, since these little animals are excellent at eliminating insects that roam around your home.

As mentioned above, geckos are crazy about flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches, all insects that can easily populate the rooms of the house in the summer months. This is why geckos can become precious allies to considerably reduce the presence of these insects .

That’s not all, because tradition has it that geckos are also considered as real amulets against bad luck . For these reasons, the advice is not to chase away geckos but to live with them without problems, also because they do not cause any harm to humans.

Use cold water

However, there are also those who simply cannot stand the presence of a gecko in their home and at the sight of this little animal they try any remedy to chase it away.Gecko specimen –

The advice, in this case, is not to use commercially available chemical products . The ideal is to opt for a natural solution, such as cold water . Just throw a little on the gecko to make it quickly flee from the house or balcony.

The alternative is to enrich the balcony or the rooms of the house with plants that give off an odor that the gecko does not like. Let’s think for example of horseradish, a plant that geckos just can’t stand.

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