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Get Rid of Ants Without Using Chemicals: They Hate This Ingredient

Let’s discover a truly incredible natural solution to have an environment completely free from ants, without chemicals.Ants –

The arrival of the hot summer months brings with it a whole series of issues. People feel freer and want to be outdoors and meet their friends. However, summer also highlights some problems or annoyances. One of these is, without a doubt, linked to the high temperatures during the hottest weeks, but not only.

A very common problem involves the presence of very annoying insects . We are referring to mosquitoes, flies, ants, cockroaches and many other insects. In this article, however, we want to focus on just one category of them. We are referring to ants .

Many people have devised various traps and experiments to keep ants as far away as possible from their home, balcony or garden. In some cases, in fact, there could be a real invasion of these insects, with all the annoying repercussions that could arise.

If you notice the presence of some ants in your home or garden, you will have to take immediate action to prevent their presence from multiplying in a short time. In this article we want to show you an incredible natural solution to limit their presence as much as possible during the hot months . Here is everything you need to know about it.

The natural solution to avoid an ant invasion: the products to use

When you notice the presence of ants outside, everyone is immediately led to take cover. A way to stop them from entering your home as soon as possible. The presence of ants on the floor, on the walls or, worse, inside the furniture, risks being something really difficult to eradicate in a short time . You will then run the risk of having to throw away all the supplies.Ants –

To avoid such unpleasant episodes, many people resort to various insecticides or other similar chemical products on the market. In fact, at supermarkets or other specialized stores, it will be possible to buy these products that will allow you to minimize the risk of an ant invasion.

However, these products, in addition to being quite expensive, can also be dangerous for our health and that of the plants in the garden. Acting, therefore, with natural solutions and methods could be more appropriate.

In this article, we will show you a “magic” mixture that will act as bait for ants and prevent them from proliferating in the future. Are you ready to find out everything? Here is what you need to get and all the steps to make this ant trap .

The ingredients you will need as a natural strategy to keep the “threat” away without chemicals

To make your ant bait , you will need to get some boric acid powder and dilute it in a container containing about 100 milliliters of hot water . You will then add 2 generous teaspoons of sugar and mix the solution well. Are these the only ingredients you will need?Natural Solution to Keep Ants Away –

Absolutely not. When you have finished eating a banana , in fact, you should not throw away its peel. This element, in fact, will be of fundamental importance for your bait against ants. Cut the banana peel into small pieces , in fact, and insert it into the container with the previously obtained solution.

Leave the various pieces of banana peel to soak for about 24 hours . After this time, all you have to do is pour this solution and the various pieces of peel in the places where you have noticed the presence of some ants. You will have created a real trap for ants and you will see how in a short time they will no longer appear in the areas in front of your home .

Therefore, you will not run any risk regarding their potential entry into your home. A very effective natural remedy . In fact, you will not have to buy more dangerous insecticides or other chemical products. The ants will be attracted by the bait, which will be completely harmful to them.

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