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Moles will immediately move away from the garden with this home remedy

If you want to keep moles away from your garden, you can use this home remedy that works very well. Here’s what you need to do to get rid of them right away.Moles –

Spotting moles is easy . If you notice holes in your garden with raised soil all around it is very likely that there is a mole, or more than one. This one has chosen your garden as a home and the ground as a hunting space. Even if it is not a harmful animal for plants and vegetables it is better to remove it.

If you don’t want to find your garden completely ruined, it’s best to act as soon as possible. The mole is a skilled digger and is able to dig real tunnels in the ground . It won’t eat plants or vegetables but will target insects. In fact, for this very reason it could be excellent but not totally.Moles –

In fact, as good as it is for insects and for the digging activity that helps to aerate the soil, they must be removed. The reason is that their tunnels can damage the roots as well as damaging the lawn . We therefore have a home remedy to go and remove moles from your garden. Below, in the next paragraph, you will find all the details.

Here’s How to Keep Moles Away from Your Garden

As we said, we want to show you how to eliminate moles from your garden without destroying them. In fact, these are protected animals and you must absolutely not harm them physically. Moles are carnivores and feed on earthworms and insects . They are included in the red list of vertebrate species in danger of extinction.

To eliminate them before they damage lawns and gardens by digging. To make this home remedy you have to take a plastic bottle and take a photo on the bottom . You can do it with a drill or even with a simple heated screwdriver. At this point mark three windows that you will then have to cut.Home Remedy To Repel Moles –

Using the marker, draw 3 windows along almost the entire length of the bottle and about 7 centimeters wide. Then proceed by cutting only 3 sides. One of the long sides should not be cut so that the opening works just like a window. Open the window with the protrusion facing outwards .

It is very simple and will only take a few minutes. Now take a stick about 1 meter long and pass it through the hole you made at the beginning. Attach this bottle with the stick near every hole you find in your garden or every 10 meters or so.

Since moles are sensitive to even the slightest vibrations, they are scared. By placing the rod at the bottom of the ground and the bottle being moved by the wind, it will create vibrations that will scare the moles and they will move away .

Other methods to keep these animals away

This is one of the methods you can try. Alternatively, there is another one that may seem strange to you but that also works. The smell of dogs and cats is not acceptable for moles . So you just need to collect the excrement of these animals and sprinkle it on the moles.Earth piled up by moles –

It can also help if dog hairballs are pushed into the ground. If the mole perceives this smell and then also feels the vibrations of the method indicated above, it will almost certainly leave your garden .

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