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Pour a handful into the sink and enjoy the results: even plumbers do it

When the sink is clogged you can resort to this very simple and quick solution used by plumbers.handful in the sink –

When the sink gets clogged it is always a big problem, since in addition to preventing us from using it correctly we also have to deal with bad smells that spread throughout the kitchen (and not only). A clogged sink is therefore a situation to be resolved as soon as possible, perhaps by using some of the drain unblocking products that can be easily found in specialty stores and supermarkets. However, before relying on chemical products it is better to try to use more natural solutions , perhaps by exploiting the enormous potential of some foods that we all have at home.

Clogged sink gets cleared with plumbers’ trick: just a few minutes

Just to give an example, many people do not know that a clogged sink can also be cleared using a good handful of salt . This ingredient, in fact, is ideal for corroding all the deposits that are inside the drain and that prevent the water from flowing properly.Clogged sink –

So let’s pour a few teaspoons of salt into the clogged drain, adding a little dish soap that helps free the pipe from deposits. All that remains is to pour a nice cup of boiling water into the drain to instantly free the clogged sink.

This method is really great for those who have new pipes, while for those who have a sink with old pipes it is better to avoid adding salt to avoid the risk of irreparably damaging them . In addition to the clogged sink, salt is also useful for many other problems to be solved inside the house.

For example, with salt you can make a bad smell disappear from a wooden cutting board. Just add a few spoonfuls of salt on the cutting board, making sure to spread it along the entire surface, then rub with a soft and clean sponge to remove the unpleasant smell.

To make this remedy even more effective, you can rub a few slices of lemon on the cutting board , perhaps squeezing a little lemon juice on top. The last step is to rinse with warm water: the odors will disappear as if by magic.

All the situations where salt comes in handy

Salt, as mentioned, can also be used for other purposes. This method consists of adding a few tablespoons of salt to a pan and frying it for a few minutes.Salt –

Why this move? Many people don’t know it, but with this technique we will be able to eliminate all the bad smells that can continue to permeate the pan even after having washed it thoroughly. When we go to remove the pan from the heat, we will clean it from the salt and we will notice that its smell will be decidedly more appreciable.

Finally, even to cure a sore throat you can resort to the help of salt. Let’s put a couple of spoons of salt (possibly sea salt, but normal salt is also fine) in a container, adding a glass of water.

Mix everything until the salt is completely dissolved. Last tip: putting salt in coffee is not wrong at all . Try it and believe it: just half a teaspoon is enough to make the drink much tastier.

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