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Here’s the secret to cooling your home without air conditioning: the Roman method

There are several tricks to cool the inside of your home without turning on the air conditioner. Here’s how the ancient Romans managed to always have a cool environment even in summer.Fresh at home –

Summer is synonymous with heat and high temperatures. More and more people are choosing to install one or more air conditioners inside their homes to have more inviting climatic conditions. Especially in July and August, in fact, the mugginess and intense heat can be really very intense, a bit in every area of ​​our country.

In recent seasons, it often happens to witness real heat waves above the normal averages of the period . The effects are due to the action of the anticyclone coming from Africa. For several weeks, therefore, many Italians have to deal with very high temperatures.

As is normal, even homes are invaded by the heat and Italians try to come up with various valid solutions to limit the problem. We mentioned the use of air conditioners. However, they are not within everyone’s reach, due to the high installation costs and consumption. The new models, however, consume much less than the machines of the past.

As an alternative to air conditioners, many still use fans . These devices are more economical, both in terms of installation and actual consumption. However, with temperatures that are too high, their beneficial effects will be significantly reduced.

Below, we want to show you some tricks to cool the inside of your home without having to use these modern tools . In doing so, we want to show you a secret used by the ancient Romans to always have breathable air in their homes. Here is the ancient method that we want to show you.

Cooling Your Home Without Air Conditioning: Here’s the Ancient Roman Trick

Many people experience the summer season with the anxiety of never being able to have a comfortable home environment, due to the high temperatures. In fact, many spend a lot of time at home during the day . Furthermore, there are more and more people who work from home in smart working mode. Being able to ” survive ” the heat , therefore, becomes a real necessity .Tips for refreshing your home –

Furthermore, the strong heat can also affect your night’s rest. Not being able to rest well at night because of the muggy indoor air is never a good thing. For all these aspects, therefore, it becomes essential to implement effective strategies to cool the house .

If you don’t want to use air conditioners or fans, there are several tricks that will allow you to always have a fairly cool indoor environment during most hot weeks.

In particular, we will focus on a method used by the ancient Romans and other populations of the past to cool their homes . Are you curious to discover this secret? All you have to do is read the next paragraph.

The ancient method

The ancient Romans used to practice the so-called shading technique . In practice, all windows repeatedly exposed to the sun were always kept closed and protected with curtains or other elements capable of providing shade. For air exchange and refreshment, however, only the windows of the house not exposed to the sun were opened.Opening Windows in the Shade –

In the absence of modern technology, this was the only way the Romans and the people of the past managed to keep their homes cool. This secret can also be exploited by you. You simply need to never open the windows exposed to the sun and only keep open those in the shade .

The air circulation will be better and you will have a natural cooling of your home . The walls to the north and south are much less exposed to the sun than those located to the west and east. Evaluate the exposure of your home carefully and try to limit the entry of heat into the home as much as possible .

With the shading technique you will always have a lower internal temperature than what happens to you usually. Some windows, in practice, will never have to be opened during the day and always kept protected from the sun .

Ancient remedies can be truly surprising and effective even today . As is normal, the cooling that you will have with modern tools will be much faster. If you want to save money, however, you can implement very valid strategies from the past.

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