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Eggs, immerse them in a glass full of water: why you have to do it before cooking them

Before cooking eggs, it is very important to check their freshness by immersing them in a glass full of water.Egg in a glass of water –

Eggs, one of the most consumed foods in the world, should be cooked only if they are good and fresh. In general, it is always advisable to pay attention to the expiration date and preserve them as best as possible. Eggs are foods rich in proteins and minerals, but they must be stored in the right way, to avoid food poisoning.

To find out why you should immerse eggs in glasses full of water before cooking them, I suggest you read carefully below.

Shelf life and preservation of eggs

Fresh eggs can last up to 28 days, but it is best to consume them within twenty days of being laid to take advantage of their properties. As for supermarket eggs , you need to pay attention to the expiration date on the box.

When buying eggs, it is very important to check that they are intact and that there are no bad smells. All fresh and edible eggs, once broken, have no smell, but if you smell a strange smell then it is better not to consume them. To avoid health problems due to the proliferation of bacteria, eggs must always be stored in the right way, avoiding sudden changes in temperature.

In general, eggs should be stored in the refrigerator , but if you want to keep them at room temperature, things change. It should be said that in the summer months they can last a maximum of five days, while in the winter they can last up to two weeks.

In the absence of expiration information, due to the faded date or if you do not remember how long you have had fresh eggs in the fridge, you can implement some simple methods of verification. Furthermore, eggs in the fridge should be placed on the central shelves, so as not to contaminate the fridge with microorganisms that are on the shell.Eggs –

Dip the eggs into glasses of water

Fresh eggs can be eaten raw or cooked quickly, while less fresh ones are best cooked in the oven. Understanding the freshness of an egg is not very simple, however there is a very reliable home method. A good method to check if eggs are fresh is to immerse them in glasses full of water.

This is a very reliable and simple method. Just take the eggs and immerse them in glasses or containers filled with cold water , if the egg sinks to the bottom it is fresh otherwise it should be thrown away. Only the eggs settle to the bottom , instead of floating, then they are very fresh. If the egg remains tilted inside the glass, then it is still edible. If the egg remains in the middle of the container, then it means that it should be consumed after being cooked. Egg shells have a certain porosity, so eggs that are fresh have little air and settle to the bottom.Glass of water –

Methods to check the freshness of eggs

To know if the eggs you have at home are edible and fresh, you can use different methods. In addition to the water method, there is a method that is based on the well-known technique of candling or light testing.

According to this method, suitable for cooking experts, it is necessary to carefully observe the egg against the light . The egg will be fresh if the air chamber inside the egg is small, if instead it appears very dilated then it means that it has expired.

A good way to tell if eggs are fresh is to crack the eggs and look closely at the shape of the yolk. If the yolk is dome-shaped then it is fresh, if it is flat then it is not very fresh.

The egg mobility technique is a method that consists of shaking the egg to be checked and if no movement is felt it means that it is fresh. The presence of noise during the shaking of the egg means that the yolk is no longer dense.

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