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Put it in the toilet right now, watch what happens after you do it: you will hardly believe it

A common problem for many people is in reference to cleaning the toilet. Let’s find out what you can put inside it to remove stains and encrustations effectively.Product in the WC –

We all use the toilet many times every day. The same thing will be true for all the inhabitants of the same house. Having a home environment that is always clean and tidy is essential. This is even more true when it comes to the bathroom.

In fact, this environment tends to get dirty more frequently than other rooms. The reasons can be easily understood. Carrying out constant cleaning in this environment is important not only for a question of decorum, but also in reference to purely hygienic aspects.

It will be appropriate to apply a deep cleaning not only of the floor, but also of all the sanitary fixtures. The sink, the toilet, the bidet and the shower, for example, are accessories that are used every day for the various physiological and cleaning needs of one’s body.

As is normal, such use will cause these sanitary fixtures to get dirty. The accumulation of hair, fur, dust and dirt, therefore, will have to be eliminated on a daily or almost daily basis. In some cases, then, it will be necessary to carry out an extraordinary cleaning – so to speak – to some elements present in the bathroom.

In this article we will reveal a truly brilliant secret to eliminate stains and encrustations from the walls of your toilet . Are you ready to discover everything? Continue reading our article.

Toilet Cleaning: This Trick Will Solve It Really Effectively

Anyone can notice the presence of stains, dirt and encrustations on the walls of your toilet . Despite constant cleaning every day, this area tends to get dirty due to limescale and urine stains. In many cases, simple daily cleaning is not enough, but more efficient descaling products will be needed .Toilet Cleaning –

When deep cleaning the toilet, regular bathroom cleaning products may not always be enough. In some cases, the action of other specific substances will be necessary.

Sanitary ware and, therefore, also the toilet tend to be “attacked” by limescale . Staying with the toilet, real limescale residues could accumulate along its walls, in some cases even very consistent. In the case of large accumulations, the action of the toilet cleaner and the brush may not be 100% effective.

One solution could be to throw a solution of baking soda and salt inside the toilet. By spreading these products on the limescale and urine stains and on any other encrustations, here with these ingredients you will be able to remove all the impurities. In doing this you will also have to use the toilet brush to make sure that the elements give greater success in this sense.

Below, however, we want to show you another effective technique for removing even the most stubborn dirt from the walls of the toilet . Are you ready to discover everything? Here is the “magic” ingredient.

Use this product and get an incredible level of cleanliness

The element you will need to get is glass powder . This product is usually used in the electrical field, acting as an insulator. It basically acts as a reinforcement for the filler and various repairs, thanks to a particular resin present. It may seem strange, but glass powder could prove to be a truly incredible ally in the deep cleaning of your toilet . Here’s what you need to put into practice with this element.Glass Powder –

The first thing you will have to do is flush the toilet. This way, the side walls will get wet and the glass dust will have a greater effect. At this point, all you have to do is throw half a glass of glass dust along the walls into the toilet .

This powder is made up of a specific ingredient that can dissolve the limescale present and eliminate all urine stains and other encrustations. A real descaling product that will have a surprising effect inside your home toilet.

You will have to spread the powder on all the walls, using a normal brush, and let it act for at least 30 minutes . This product will effectively dissolve the stains and will also eliminate all the bacteria present, since it also has antibacterial components . Your toilet will be perfectly clean and also completely sterile again.

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