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How Long Should You Shower to Get Clean? The Unexpected Answer

How long does the perfect shower last? The experts answer and reveal how long to spend in the shower.Shower Duration –

It’s the height of summer, the heat is making itself felt and the temperature is rising more and more. In this particular climatic condition, the shower is the best solution to cool down: there is nothing better to feel regenerated. The shower is a personal act, there are no absolute rules and we all have a unique routine. Despite this, there are many techniques and different theories on how you should shower , especially when the heat becomes exaggerated and suffocating. There are people who prefer cold and quick showers and others who, instead, cannot give up a long and hot shower.

From a purely hygienic point of view , however, there is a specific time to respect to completely cleanse oneself of impurities. The results of the studies speak clearly, and the experts provide us with exhaustive data. This is data that is not fully consistent with the habits of many individuals . Let’s find out together how long to hold under running water to eliminate all the germs , dirt and all the bacteria . These minutes are enough and we eradicate them from our body.

Summer shower, the most common mistake

During the summer, it is completely normal to feel the need to get into the shower more often than usual . With these temperatures, sweating is a constant, and the sensation of having your entire body sweaty or sticky is not at all pleasant. You never feel truly clean : fifteen to twenty minutes after the shower, you feel like you have never set foot in the tub or the shower. This problem is the cause of a very common mistake, that of washing yourself too frequently.How long does the perfect shower last –

Be careful, maintaining good personal hygiene is essential for physical health, but when you overdo it, problems of various kinds can arise. Washing too frequently can alter the PH of our skin, stressing it and exposing it to problems of irritation and the appearance of blemishes . This happens especially if the shower water is very hot, therefore more aggressive. If you really can’t do without washing more than two or three times a day, the advice of experts is to use fresh water and few chemical agents .

Chemical agents include shampoos, soaps and similar products that could be aggressive if used repeatedly during the same day. But how long should the perfect shower last? Let’s find out together in the next paragraph.

How much time to spend in the shower

Maybe you have never thought about it, but the time we spend in the shower is crucial to its effectiveness. Staying under the water for too long or too little time can be harmful. You should take showers that range from five to fifteen minutes , depending on what you need to do.

In fact, there are those who use the shower time to shave or apply special masks and compresses to their hair, and this ritual requires more time. In this season, namely summer, it is best to use cold water to promote optimal blood circulation.How long does the perfect shower last –

Furthermore, cold water can have an energizing and revitalizing effect for those who suffer from low blood pressure. On the contrary, a hot shower longer than 15 minutes can dehydrate the skin and dry it out. So, in conclusion, it is good to know that, in summer, the perfect shower lasts no more than 15 minutes and is cool.

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