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Floor, how to clean it with the wool ball technique: it remains shiny

Do you want to find out how to clean the floor in an effective and alternative way? We reveal what the wool ball technique consists of.Washing the floors –

One of the household chores that you have to do with a lot of consistency and commitment is, without a doubt, cleaning the floors . Having the surfaces always clean and free from dust, stains and hair is very important, especially if one or more of the inhabitants of the house are allergic to these elements.

Those who have children at home will then be even more careful about cleanliness, since they will play on the floor and could accidentally put anything in their mouth. Even those who have pets will then have to clean the house regularly, since their hair will always be present on the floor and surfaces, especially during moulting periods.

To sanitize floors as best as possible , there are many vacuum cleaners, robots and floor cleaners available on the market that are completely technological and increasingly smart and easy to use. Some of them are very light and practical to use. The best ones can even be controlled remotely or programmed.

In this article, however, we want to help you discover an incredible technique to always have clean and perfectly shiny floors . The method – very simple to put into practice – involves the bizarre use of a wool ball . Let’s find out all the details about this particular technique.

The Wool Ball Technique to Effectively Clean Floors: Here Are the Details

A ball or a ball of wool is, therefore, the object that will be very useful to you in cleaning the floors of your house. It is nothing more than a method used, since ancient times, to group a thread of any material (in this case wool), in a completely orderly way and without it suffering from knots.Floor Cleaning –

It can be used to make many clothes and accessories in a DIY way. Below, however, we will see an alternative use of the ball of wool. As anticipated, in fact, it will be really very useful in the perfect cleaning of floors in some specific cases .

The wool ball will give you a big hand in case you have one or more animals inside your home. As anticipated, in fact, animals lose a lot of hair during the moulting season. It usually occurs in spring and autumn. Your home, therefore, could be “invaded” by hair on the floor.

Let’s find out how a wool ball can help you solve this problem and, in general, clean your floors effectively and alternatively. Here’s everything you need to know to always have clean and shiny surfaces .

A valid ally for cleaning floors: here’s how to use it effectively

The wool ball must be of good size and perfectly solid. It, as anticipated, will be very useful in removing dirt, dust and hair. The wool, therefore, must be of good quality , so that it does not fall apart during the cleaning operations of the various floors .Wool Ball –

Once you have the wool ball, all you have to do is tie it or fix it as best you can to a stick with a fairly long handle. You will then use this handle with the wool ball at the end to clean all your floors as best as possible.

The wool ball, in fact, will be able to effectively “ capture ” all the hair , dust and dirt present on the floors. Since the wool is electrostatic, it will be able to block the hair and dust in a very effective way. Every single element to be eliminated, therefore, will be blocked by the wool ball.

This floor cleaning method, in addition to being very useful in removing hair, dust, small particles and other impurities, will also reduce the risk of your surfaces getting scratched . Wool, in fact, is very delicate and will never ruin your floors, especially parquet.

Cleaning floors with a wool ball is simple, effective and within everyone’s reach. With little effort, therefore, you will be able to remove all the dirt from your surfaces, before proceeding to the actual washing of them.

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