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Air conditioning, with the rag trick you can cool the whole car in a few minutes

To make the air conditioning cool the car very quickly we can use the rag trick.Rag on air conditioning –

This summer is also characterized by intense heat waves that last for days and days and make the population gasp from North to South. On some days the temperatures have reached and sometimes exceeded 40 degrees in many areas of the country, including the hilly and mountainous areas where one should enjoy a little more refreshment. For many, one of the main tools to stem this suffocating heat is undoubtedly the air conditioner , an excellent remedy both at home and in the workplace. Only thanks to the air conditioner have the most sultry days seemed less prohibitive.

Air conditioning will cool your car in moments: try the rag trick

Air conditioning is a lifesaver not only at home or in the office, but also in the car. The air conditioning system allows you to travel much more comfortably , without suffering from the heat . However, air conditioning in the car also represents a serious risk to your health.Car Air Conditioning –

Keeping the air conditioning on in your car for the entire trip means creating a completely different climate than the outside of the passenger compartment. These temperature changes can put a strain on our bodies, so it is best to be very careful.

That’s not all, because it’s not uncommon for the air conditioning in the car to prove to be an ineffective tool for intense heat. It happens, for example, when we leave the car under the scorching sun and are then forced to get back behind the wheel.

The car will be a real oven and the air conditioning will need a few minutes to cool the car properly. If we are in a hurry we must therefore travel a few kilometers in total suffering.

This is why many drivers would like to be able to cool their car much faster, possibly without causing excessive temperature changes that could be harmful to their health.

There is actually a solution that, in addition to rapidly cooling the interior of the passenger compartment, also allows you to save a lot on petrol costs.

Air conditioning, in fact, consumes much more fuel : given that petrol has now risen to very high prices, containing costs is certainly a detail that should not be underestimated.

This trick cools the car down very quickly and brings the interior temperature to acceptable levels. All you have to do is get a wet cloth and place it over the air vent.

Follow these tips and you will never have any more problems: no more hot cars

With this simple trick, the breath that will be expelled from the air intake will be much cooler and more pleasant. In this way we will not have to set the air conditioning system to temperatures too low and face all the risks we spoke about previously.Air Conditioning –

On days when the African anticyclone unleashes all its strength, it is certainly a good idea to keep a bottle of water and a few spare rags in the car , so that you can easily replace dry clothes.

In addition to this simple method, remember to always stay well hydrated – especially on hot days – and park your car in shaded areas.

Finally, when we leave the car parked we can protect the dashboard with some adequate covering, so as to avoid overheating of the surfaces. We can do the same with the steering wheel, so as not to find it red hot once we get back into the car.

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