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Eliminate parasites from plants in just a few seconds, just spray this on them

To free houseplants from parasites, there is a very effective natural remedy. Eliminate parasites from

To keep parasites away from plants, you can use one of the many natural do-it-yourself methods . Parasites are definitely enemies of plants, because they cause various diseases. To eradicate them, you can make a natural anti-parasite mixture.

To know how to prepare this effective mixture to eliminate parasites, I suggest you carefully read the procedure outlined here.

Types of Plant Pests

Parasites when they infest a plant, feed on its sap and slowly carry it Among the main plant parasites, there are mites. The various types of insects, mites and fungi, can seriously damage the health of plants.

Recognizing plant parasites is very important to intervene in time. There are signs that can reveal the presence of parasites, which devour leaves and flowers. Red spiders are small mites with eight legs, which infest vegetables and fruits. They cause the drying of leaves and the death of plants. To eliminate red spiders, you need to remove the leaves and use garlic as an insecticide to spray on the plant.

The whitefly is a parasite that attacks lemons, geraniums and orchids. It is an insect that produces honeydew, a white substance with which it fills the leaves to make them yellow and fall. The remedy against this parasite is garlic infusion or apple cider vinegar. The cochineal spreads with heat and humidity, attacking plants and producing honeydew that attracts fungi and other parasites. To defeat these parasites, simply clean the attacked areas with cotton soaked in ethyl alcohol.

Caterpillars , which devour the tender leaves of plants, can be removed by washing the plant with a mixture of black pepper and water. Aphids or lice, adore roses, attaching themselves to the stem and sucking the lifeblood . To eliminate them, just put ladybugs in the garden, which are the predators of these parasites, or use a natural spray based on horsetail, neem oil or Marseille soap.Plant Parasites –

Natural mixture against plant parasites

In spring, plants on the balcony or in the garden can be attacked by parasites. To create a valid DIY anti-parasitic , just take about 200 grams of nettle leaves, a few grams of Marseille soap flakes and about a liter of water.

Nettle and soap have the ability to keep insects and parasites away , eliminating any eggs. To make the anti-parasite mixture, just leave the nettle leaves to soak in warm water for a few days . After filtering the nettle juice, add the soap flakes and mix everything together.

Once the mixture has been prepared, you can choose to vaporize or spray the foliage of plants infested by parasites. The repellent product should be used approximately every three days, until the parasites disappear. This mixture against green parasites is effective against many types of parasites.Eliminate parasites –

Natural anti-parasitic

To free plants from the feared parasites , it is better to resort to natural remedies than to pesticides, which are harmful to the plant and to humans. Essential oils, spread on the leaves or vaporized on the plants, are a valid remedy against parasites. In particular, neem oil, lavender oil and tea tree oil are excellent natural oils with a repellent action.

To fight them in a natural and ecological way , you can use garlic macerate, very useful for its antibacterial power. Nettle macerate , due to its stinging power, is an excellent natural remedy against aphids and scale insects.

Against fungal diseases, sodium bicarbonate is very useful , dissolved in water and sprayed on plants. Another widely used natural insecticide is pyrethrum powder, which helps fight fruit flies and mosquitoes.

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