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Just a glass once a month and you’ll be blowing your flowers all year round

With just one glass of these ingredients, the flowers will look beautiful all year round: these ingredients are enough just once a month.

How to create an  excellent fertilizer  to have flowers all year round? Banana peel is the  obligatory ingredient  , as well as another key natural ingredient that is always present in the house. This natural product is used just once a month, helping the plant to look beautiful and full of flowers again. How is it prepared   and what is the second ingredient to use? Let’s try now.

Fertilizer for year-round flowers: ingredients

Nurseries  in the sector  have promoted their own method, namely the preparation and use of a natural fertilizer based on banana peels. This ingredient is considered organic waste, but should never be thrown away and reused. To do this, experts explain step by step how to act.

Every month this type of fertilizer is  poured directly onto the plant  to provide all types of nutrients. In summer, it can also be used once every 15 days. The ingredients are few and natural, namely banana peels and natural white rice.

Take the  banana peels  and place them in a container with water and 4 tablespoons of rice. Leave to act and macerate for two consecutive days. Filter the content and then water the plants. The presence of nitrogen, potassium and calcium is very high and the fertilizer is rich in  nutrients  . If not everything is used, you can keep it for 2 days.

Alternatives as natural fertilizer to banana peel

Still with the help of banana peels  , other excellent fertilizers can be made, to be used once a month or once every  15 days in summer.

This is a  hot alternative  and it goes like this:

  • Cut the peels into pieces using a cutting board. The quantity is about 5 peels per liter of water;
  • Fill a pan with a liter of water and wait for it to boil;
  • When the moment is right, add the peels and let it boil for 15 minutes.

Turn off the heat and let  the contents cool. You can continue blending the peels with the blender or you can filter the liquid. It can be stored inside a plastic bottle to be used – with water – to water the plants.

There is a third alternative to consider, with banana peels that are placed inside a baking dish. The  smooth exterior  will need to be placed down.

They are cooked at low temperature until they have a black appearance. Take the peels and chop everything into small pieces, keeping the product in an  airtight container  . In this case, they must be inserted into the soil, once a month, for nutritional reinforcement.

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