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This Illegal Plant Could Be Hiding In Your Garden: 1000 Euro Fine

Did you know that growing this plant in your garden is illegal? You risk getting a thousand euro fine. Let’s find out what plant we’re talking about and why it’s illegal to grow it in your garden!Garden –

An illegal plant could be in your garden and if you are discovered you risk a thousand euro fine. But what plant are we talking about and why is it illegal to grow it in your garden? We are talking about Cannabis, a plant that you can grow following the indications indicated by the law , but also about other illegal plants for which there are hefty fines if they are found in your garden. Let’s find out everything about these plants!

Growing Cannabis in the Garden

Being able to grow your own vegetable garden or garden in a personalized way is a wonderful thing to have a space equipped according to your needs. However, to act in compliance with the regulations and grow the permitted plants is essential to avoid heavy fines .

It is therefore necessary to find out which plants can be grown and which are considered illegal. The latter are those that cannot be grown because you risk receiving fines of up to a thousand euros or more. In Italy it is forbidden to buy plants from private individuals, so you have to be careful, as for example in the case of cannabis , a plant derived from Indian hemp (THCAS).Illegal Plant Eichhornia crassipes –

The legal one in Italy is the plant that has reduced levels of THC. To grow cannabis without breaking the law, you generally only need to have a maximum of 3 plants . However, as emerged from a ruling by the Court of Cassation, the cultivation of 12 plants using rudimentary methods was not considered a crime.

Furthermore, the absence of tools for packaging cannabis attests that it is not grown for the purpose of dealing but for personal use.

Illegal exotic species

In our country, plants that seem harmless but are actually prohibited by law are often grown. These are plants belonging to invasive alien species from various areas of the earth. Their cultivation is regulated by  Regulation 1143/2014 which includes a series of community regulations.Illegal Plant –

To comply with these regulations , Legislative Decree no. 230 of 15 December 2017 was approved in Italy. The decree establishes that it is forbidden to possess, cultivate and sell invasive alien species in Italy. Below are some illegal plants that you cannot cultivate under penalty of a fine .

Illegal cultivation of the plant Eichhornia crassipes

Also known as water hyacinth, this herbaceous perennial plant is widespread in various tropical areas, such as the Amazon. This plant is often grown because it is decorative and is used to make waterways and ponds more suggestive.

Despite being a modest-sized plant, the water hyacinth is considered an invasive aquatic plant as it can be dangerous for other plants as it can prevent their development .

Argyreia nervosa, illegal plant

A plant native to the Indian subcontinent, Argyreia nervosa is one of the illegal plants in Italy that cannot be cultivated. Widely used in Ayurvedic medicine , the seeds contain alkaloid substances with a psychoactive effect.

In fact, they cause effects typical of those caused when taking LSD , such as loss of consciousness, hallucinations, slowing of coordination, tachycardia, blurred vision .

Ragweed Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

This splendid plant of North American origin can cause rhinitis and very serious asthmatic attacks. It is a plant that has the tendency to colonize the land and grows along the banks of rivers and along the edges of roads. Infested to excess, it also takes root in areas where sunflowers, corn and soybeans are grown.

Annual plant, it has erect, striated stems, very branched in the upper part, hairy and reddish in color when it becomes adult. The height varies from 20 to 90 cm , but can reach 2 meters in exceptional cases.

The leaves are velvety and very jagged and have a uniform green color on both sides. Those that produce pollen are the male flowers, which are grouped in a yellowish-green inflorescence, while the female flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and are very small.

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