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Farmer reveals method for choosing the sweetest watermelon: only this way you can find it

How to choose the sweetest watermelon and not make a mistake? Here is the method recommended by the farmer to choose a sweet watermelon and enjoy it at its fullest!watermelon choice –

In summer it is inevitable to taste watermelon, a very sweet and delicious fruit, which is liked by adults and children. However, it is not easy to choose the right one every time , because from the outside not everyone knows which one is sweeter than the others and it is easy to get confused. Only experts know how to regulate themselves for the sweetest watermelon, so here is the method recommended by the farmer to avoid making mistakes!

The Farmer’s Method for Choosing the Sweetest Watermelon

An inexperienced person can easily make a mistake in choosing which watermelons to eat because he or she does not know the rules for understanding whether they are ripe or not. For this reason, it is good to follow the advice of experts to know how to choose the sweetest watermelon.

And who better than the farmer to make the right choice ? These fruits are among those that are grown in large quantities because they are highly sought after during the summer season for their freshness and sugary flavor. Not all varieties have the same flavor , but choosing the right one you can enjoy it at the height of ripeness and therefore flavor.Watermelon – imilanesi,

Eating a still unripe watermelon leaves a bitter taste in the mouth and therefore it is best to rely on the advice of farmers to choose one that is ripe enough to consume immediately . Let’s find out what advice farmers give to choose watermelon and identify the one that is suitable to bring to the table to celebrate, because watermelon is a fruit that brings joy and lightheartedness!

Check the surface of the watermelon

A first way to understand the degree of ripeness of the watermelon is to check the surface. Look carefully at the outline of the fruit to identify any whitish spots .

If they are present on the surface of the fruit, it means that it was picked early and has not reached the right level of ripeness that makes it very sweet. When choosing, opt for watermelons with large yellow spots, on which the sun’s rays have rested for a longer time, so they are good to eat.

Check the color of the stem

If you look at the watermelons on display at the greengrocer’s or in the fruit counter of the supermarket, they will probably all seem the same. In fact, the fruits are quite similar and it is easy to find the wrong one, that is, one that is not sweet enough to eat. Yet, there is a detail that distinguishes watermelons and it is the stem that joined them to the plant .How to recognize sweet watermelon –

By looking carefully at the stem you can understand the degree of ripeness of the watermelon and choose the right one. If the stem is green inside it means that the watermelon was picked well in advance, while if it is brown it means that the level of ripeness is complete.

Check if the watermelon is firm

A sweet and ready-to-eat watermelon is one that appears compact and solid . These two aspects allow you to certify the level of ripeness and understand if it is the right one to buy.

When the fruit is too firm and does not yield even with a simple pressure of the hand, then it means that it is not ready to eat and that it needs to ripen further. Instead, look for a watermelon that is more sensitive to the pressure of the hand and therefore softer.

Check the sounds produced to understand if it is the sweetest watermelon

A ready-to-eat watermelon makes certain sounds when touched. To hear the sound, tap the center of the fruit with your finger and listen carefully. If the sound is high-pitched, it means the watermelon is not ripe yet, while if the sound is low-pitched, it means it is over-ripe.

What is the right sound to understand that it is the sweetest watermelon to choose? The dull sound is the right one and the watermelons that produce it are definitely the ones that are perfectly ripe to enjoy all their sweetness!

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