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Why does furniture make noise at night? Only a few people had managed to figure out the cause

Do you know why furniture makes noise at night? Few have managed to find out the reason, but let’s see below what is the cause that makes furniture make noise at night!night door–

Do you know why furniture makes noise at night? Not everyone has been able to understand the reason, yet there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon that often occurs. It is not about ghosts or anything like that, but something that happens naturally.

Wood is a noble material and having furniture made of it in your home makes it even more precious and elegant. Therefore, if you hear noises in your furniture, you should not change it or even throw it away because there is no risk, but it is just something that happens normally. Here is what causes furniture to produce noise during the night!

Wood contracts and expands

How many times have you heard wooden furniture making noise during the night? Surely you too have wondered where these noises come from and perhaps you have imagined situations of ghosts, paranormal powers and other aspects related to fantastic things.

You will probably be disappointed, but it is none of these things . There is a scientific explanation that demonstrates what makes wooden furniture produce noise. These are contractions and expansions that occur in the material itself, since it is natural.Furniture Makes Noise at Night –

In practice, the wood contracts and expands spontaneously and generates noises and creaks that make you think of other things. Those who do not know this get scared and think that some ghost is walking around the house, but it is not like that at all.

In fact, there is nothing paranormal in this natural phenomenon and it is just objects that crackle producing a noise that is heard more during the night because there is silence.

There is more humidity at night

The noises produced by the contractions and dilations of wooden furniture can be heard perfectly at night because there is silence. This does not mean that during the day the noises are not there. In fact, even during the day the noises occur the same but are muffled by daily activities and therefore it is as if they were not there.Furniture Makes Noise at Night –

Instead, it is easier to perceive them at night for two reasons: one is the silence that usually reigns during the night, the other concerns the temperature changes . That’s right, temperatures generally drop during the night hours and the wood contracts and expands producing strange noises.

If there is a higher level of humidity in the air, the phenomenon is amplified and therefore the noises of wooden furniture will be heard more. However, there is no need to be afraid, because this is a common phenomenon and has nothing to do with inexplicable things.

Furniture makes noise at night because it is affected by temperature changes

Temperature changes are therefore the main cause of noises produced by wooden furniture. Metal objects can also produce noises of this type , since this material is also very sensitive to temperature variations.

In fact, if the metal varies in thickness in the areas where there are screws and hinges it produces squeaks . As we have seen, the phenomenon of noises from wooden furniture is explained scientifically and has no connection with paranormal powers and ghost stories.

There are no ghosts walking around at night when furniture makes noise, but only a phenomenon that occurs naturally and with annoyances that can repeat often. There is no reason to be afraid because these are things that happen precisely to this material.

As we have seen, the phenomenon of noises produced by wooden furniture occurs often and you do not have to be afraid because you do not run any risk.

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