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How much does a kilo of bread cost in Milan? Here’s how much they ask you at the supermarket

Do you know how much it costs nowadays to buy a kilo of bread in a city like Milan? The figures you are about to read will leave you speechless, but this corresponds to pure reality. Italian families have found themselves in great difficulty, especially after what has happened in the last three years.Buying bread –

Prices in general have increased dramatically and this has led to serious consequences for millions of families. What is thought-provoking is that basic necessities, such as bread, have reached impressive figures. Let’s find out together how much a kilo of bread costs in the city of Milan.

A kilo of wheat: here’s how much it costs 

For years now, we have heard nothing else about price increases and inflation. In particular, we are surprised by how much the price of a basic necessity, such as bread, has increased.

Behind the figure we find at the supermarket or at the bakery there is much more, which we often do not know. First of all, have we ever wondered how much farmers pay for a kilo of wheat? The answer is simple: a kilo of wheat that is used to produce a kilo of bread is paid 40 cents .Cost per kilo of bread in Milan –

The cost of the raw material is actually very low and this only affects 10% of the final price of bread. We can therefore say that it is not the cost of flour that increases, but everything that revolves around its production .

We are referring for example to the increase in rent of the building where it is produced, to the high cost of energy, the cost of labor or even the price of transportation . Finally, we must also emphasize another aspect, namely that our country does not depend on the import of Ukrainian and Russian grain.

How much does a kilo of bread cost in Italy? 

Given all the premises of the case, a spontaneous question arises: but how much do we pay for bread in this period in our country?

According to a study by Coldiretti, it emerged that a kilo of bread costs an average of 3.10 euros. Lately, however, it is thought that in a region like Campania there will be an increase of 50 cents or even 1 euro per kilo. At the moment, the city where bread is paid the least is Naples with an average of 1.89 euros.Cost per kilo of bread in Milan –

Where this basic necessity is paid the most is certainly in the North where it reaches 4.72 or 4.90 euros. In all this discussion, an aspect that nowadays has a significant impact is not taken into consideration.

In fact, in recent years there has been talk of an increase in people who are intolerant to gluten, for example, and this means that bread made specifically for them significantly exceeds the average. The increase in this case is 10/20 cents more, but if you add it to everything else it’s not bad at all!

How much does a kilo of bread cost in Milan? 

Let’s talk about the object in question: how much does a kilo of bread cost in Milan ? Let’s start by saying that in the Lombard capital, bread has a sky-high cost. If Naples is the city where it costs the least, at the supermarket or at the baker’s under the Duomo at the checkout we will pay a whopping 4.46 euros per kilo.

Going back in time , bread was a food within everyone’s reach, now we cannot say the same thing. If in Milan it costs that amount, the people of Bologna consider themselves even more unfortunate because they have to shell out an average of 4.91 euros per kilo

Coldiretti has stated several times, especially in this last period, that the cost of production from wheat to bread has increased twelvefold. The latest analyses have shown that a kilo of soft wheat is sold on average at 26 cents per kilo, while a kilo of bread is around (always on average) 3.10 euros. The calculation is easy to say: the increase is twelvefold.

As we can see from what has been said so far, the cost of a kilo of bread has reached incredible figures!

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