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The latest trick by thieves to burgle your entire house: they aim for the meter

Thieves always find new ways to act and burgle your house. The latest idea is really “brilliant” and you would never expect it.The latest thieves’ idea (instagram photo)

Crime is growing and so are thefts. From North to South, unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite widespread and there are more and more people reporting it. In this last period, however, it must be said that the city of Milan has been one of the first for the large number of thefts. However, thieves are using new methods to burgle apartments. Let’s try to better understand what these new methods consist of.

Milan, the number of thefts grows out of all proportion

Milan has been one of the main cities in the spotlight for some time now, when it comes to crime. According to research carried out by Sole 24 ore and Istat, the Lombardy capital is now considered the capital of thefts. More and more citizens are reporting thefts that occurred in their homes. We are talking about approximately 2,208 thefts per 100,000 inhabitants, a truly exaggerated number that indicates a truly uncontrollable situation.

Over the past year, and therefore in 2022, 72 thousand thefts were reported. The research carried out shows the situation in detail, speaking of thefts also done with a certain dexterity. In addition to thefts in homes , an increase in thefts from parked cars and also in commercial establishments is also reported .thefts

Thefts have seen a sharp decline only in 2020 and 2021. The reason is quite simple, if we consider that these were the years in which the Covid-19 pandemic unfortunately broke out and this limited the number of thefts. Once the emergency was over, and with the return to normality, there was unfortunately a significant increase.

Burglaries in apartments, but also in cars, the data

The victims of apartment burglaries have mostly been elderly people, frail people in difficulty, some of whom have also been physically attacked. Before acting, thieves study their victims carefully, they know how and when to act. Everything that has been happening in Milan in the last period is clear proof of this.

It seems that thieves have implemented a decidedly dangerous method in Milan that we now also point out to you so that you are prepared in case you notice something strange. One of the most recent methods of theft in the Lombard capital is that of the electricity meter . One of the latest occurred right in via Salvatore Barzilai , in the Jewish quarter of Milan.

The new thieves’ technique

In the adjacent street, in a building immediately after the theft a few days ago a sign appeared that invited all residents to pay attention when the contactor ” disconnects”. The victim of the theft told her experience, that is, she left her home to go and reactivate the meter and at that very moment the thieves would have taken action.counter

The criminals allegedly blocked the victim and pushed her inside the house, in order to steal everything. This report was launched by Lazza Ramo, a historic correspondent of Milan beautiful by God who wanted to report the various episodes of crime that unfortunately have now become truly numerous.

This new method developed by thieves is really very clever, but the most incredible thing is that the criminals act with the people inside the house, who are often attacked and beaten.

Of course, there is a solution to prevent thieves from acting in this way, which is to prevent them from accessing electricity meters.

The meter room should in fact always be closed with a lock and in this way made accessible only to those who live in the building and therefore to the owners. In this way, this method of the meter may no longer be used by criminals. Be careful though, because if it is not this one it will be another. Thieves , unfortunately, always find a way to act. It must be said that thieves are not all the same, there are often people behind them who steal for a real need, and then there are other people who are familiar with violence.

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