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Goodbye to black marks on white plates, how to remove them and make them impeccable again

To eliminate black marks on white plates, you simply need to put into practice a series of useful remedies found in nature.Black lines on white plates –

Many people choose to buy white plates to use in everyday life. However, over time, these could wear out and consequently present really ugly black marks. So how can you eliminate them? Below we will reveal some simple tricks.

How to Remove Black Marks from White Plates

Among the most used dishes in the kitchen are the plates used day after day to serve the various dishes. The plates can be of various colors, but many people choose to buy white plates . These over time, and as a result of wear, tend to get stained and show black marks that are really very ugly to see, which is why many choose to look for useful remedies to eliminate such traces.

In this regard, it is therefore possible to say that to eliminate black marks from white plates it will be possible to put into practice a series of very simple and useful natural remedies. And some of these will be mentioned and explored below.

It should be noted, however, that these remedies are to be considered particularly useful only when the scratches on the plates have been caused by the rubbing of knives, forks, spoons. Or simply by embedded dirt.

When the black lines are actually scratches, then in this case the remedies that we will list below will not be useful at all. In fact, in these cases it is possible to speak of irreparable damage for which it will be necessary to simply replace such dishes with new ones.

Toothpaste to remove black stains on white plates

One of the most effective remedies to consider is the one related to the use of toothpaste. A product usually used to whiten teeth but that in reality could also be of great help for dishes.

How to use it? In reality, doing so is very simple. In fact, you will simply need a damp cloth and a tube of whitening toothpaste. This will be squeezed and then applied directly to the surface of the plate affected by the black stains and rubbed using the damp cloth mentioned above.

You will need to make a circular motion and the cloth itself will need to be rinsed several times and rubbed on the affected area until the black stains present have finally disappeared. After having done all this, you will simply need to rinse the dishes and the black marks will have finally disappeared. The advice is to use a soft, non-scratch sponge and rub the points considered most critical, paying close attention.

Hydrogen peroxide against black lines on plates

Still talking about effective and useful natural remedies to eliminate black lines on dishes , an excellent solution could be to resort to the use of hydrogen peroxide, simply known as oxygenated water. Not everyone knows that the product in question is characterized by a very strong whitening power. It will be enough to pour a few drops on cotton wool and rub on the dark streaks in a delicate way.

But be careful, to avoid ruining the dishes, the advice is to use hydrogen peroxide at low volumes. A great solution could also be to combine hydrogen peroxide with bicarbonate. The result obtained will be an excellent whitening paste.

Baking soda and water as an excellent remedy

Bicarbonate and water –

We have already mentioned two important remedies, but in addition to these, we can also mention the combination of water and baking soda. What will come out of it will be a whitening paste that can be used to eliminate black lines from white dishes, but not only.

How to use water and baking soda? You simply need to add a little water to a bowl or glass and then, little by little, the baking soda. Until you get a slightly abrasive paste.

A great solution could be to combine 1 tablespoon of water and 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate. The resulting paste should then be applied to the black lines on the plates and using a damp cloth it will then be necessary to rub well using circular movements, paying attention to press in a particular way in the points where the lines are more evident. Only when the stains have finally disappeared will it be possible to rinse the plates.

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