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Cool floors in summer, you can say goodbye to the air conditioner: spray this

In the summer you can have cool floors and not have to use the air conditioner anymore. Here’s what you need to do.Refreshing the floor –

In summer, temperatures are high and it is difficult to bear them. Not everyone can resist the sultry heat of summer and for this reason many resort to some aids such as fans or air conditioners. Certainly the prices on the bill are felt and for this very reason many do not want to use them.

Of course there is no solution as effective as theirs but you can try. The fan consumes less than the air conditioner but it also makes less fresh because it simply moves the air in the room but does not make it fresh like the air conditioner does. There is a way to have fresh floors though .More than air conditioning –

In fact, you just need to use a solution that you can create at home and spray it on the floor. Nothing complicated and below in the next paragraph we will see how to solve it. So you just have to continue reading here in the next paragraph for more information.

Here’s how to get fresh floors

As we said, it is possible to have cool floors even in summer, but this will not affect having a completely cool house and keeping the heat away. You should know that clean and fragrant floors, in addition to making the house better, can also cool it down .

In fact, washing the floors every day would be ideal. In this way, the heat film that forms on top is removed and therefore it will be cooler. To wash it effortlessly, we will show you a solution to use and then it will be very fast as the heat will allow it to dry in a very short time.Fresh Floors –

For fresh floors you must first remove the dust from the floor either with a classic broom or with a vacuum cleaner. Only after all the dust can you proceed with washing. Prepare a bucket with 750 ml of water, 25 ml of Marseille soap, 25 gr of baking soda and 5 essential drops of the essential oil you  prefer .

For a fresh and scented floor, we recommend a lavender essential oil or a citrus one such as lemon. Then wash the floor as you usually do and then wait until it is completely dry. You will see that right away you will be slightly fresher and you will notice the difference .

Washing the floor makes it fresher

Precisely for this reason you could decide to do it at a time of day when you could benefit from it. For example, do it in the late afternoon so that in the evening the house is cooler also thanks to this step. Then by going to open the windows a little fresh air will come in.

But be careful about the type of floor you are going to wash. In fact, for some types of floors with more precious and delicate materials it is better to understand well if you can use certain natural products. Or you can try in a small hidden corner so as not to ruin the entire floor.

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