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Baked Watermelon Rinds, Surprising Why So Many Are Doing It

Watermelon rinds should not be thrown in the garbage but cooked in the oven. The result obtained will be truly surprising.Watermelon in the oven –

One of the most loved and consumed fruits during the summer season is the watermelon , also known as anguria . The inside of this fruit is usually consumed, and therefore its pulp. While on the contrary, the peel is usually thrown in the garbage as it is not considered useful.

In reality, few people know that this can be used to prepare tasty recipes. And precisely cooked in the oven. The final result will be able to leave everyone speechless. But let’s see specifically how and what to do.

How to reuse watermelon rinds

In summer, those who want to consume a fresh, tasty and at the same time sweet fruit will have to choose to buy a watermelon . This fruit can also be used to prepare tasty recipes. And right here below we will also reveal how to enjoy its peel usually removed.

First of all, it is very important to specify that you will only need half a watermelon. This will have to be cut into small pieces, without the peel, and then poured into a large bowl.

As for the peel, you will only need 1 kg to make this tasty and simple recipe.

But exactly, how to proceed? First of all, you will need to cut the watermelon into pieces and remove the green outer part. The remaining part of the peel will instead be cut into small pieces. And these will all be placed inside a large baking tray and covered with boiling water. The tray in question will then be baked for about 50 minutes in a hot oven preheated to 220 degrees.

Once the indicated cooking time has elapsed, all you need to do is open the oven, remove the pan from inside and pour the contents into a large colander in order to eliminate any residual water or, better yet, juice.Watermelon –

The procedure to follow

How to proceed after having done all this? Simple, after having followed the instructions provided previously, you will need to take a pan and pour 4 cups of granulated sugar into it, for a total of about 750 -800 grams. And to the sugar in question you will then need to add three glasses of watermelon peel juice. For a total of about 600 ml of juice.

And again, to the sugar and juice you will also need to add some spices. And to be more precise 5-6 cloves. All the ingredients in question will have to cook together on low heat until the mixture has thickened.

In the meantime, you will need to continue adding other ingredients. And precisely half a spoonful of butter, the juice of half a lemon and the watermelon rinds previously cooked in the oven. These in turn will have to cook for about 1 hour on low heat. Be careful not to throw away the remaining part of the watermelon rind juice as it can still be used later.

Using the fruit, and therefore the part of the watermelon usually consumed, it will be possible to prepare a delicious drink in the meantime. Simply take some pieces of fruit and place them in a blender to prepare a tasty watermelon drink. The resulting mixture will then be filtered to eliminate any residues and can finally be sipped.

Some practical tips

Watermelon rinds –

In the meantime, after the time indicated above, it will be possible to return to the watermelon peel that will have cooked in the meantime. And using a spoon, it can be poured into a jar and stored for a long time.

Its smell will be really delicious and will leave everyone speechless, both adults and children. These small pieces of peel in particular will be crispy on the outside and soft and juicy on the inside.

The result will be a delicious watermelon peel jam that can be consumed at any time of the day. For example, for breakfast but also during the day as a snack to share with family or friends.

Or this very precious watermelon rind jam can also be used to prepare various types of desserts. Such as cakes, pies and much more.

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