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Why do so many people start sprinkling mint on their floors in September?

September is the perfect month to sprinkle some mint on your floor at home: it’s a foolproof practice. Here’s why you should do it too.Mint on the floor –

September is the month that marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Although it symbolizes the end of the beautiful season and the arrival of the long winter, we can consider it the month of rebirth . It is the month of rebirth because, after the summer months during which life changes, rhythms and days change, everything starts again from the beginning. Many love to define it as the real New Year , the real moment in which we want to start again full of good intentions to fulfill.

We return to normal life and everyday life , with the desire to make it a little more functional by achieving small, big goals. Many people spend the month of August in their holiday home, thanks to the possibility of working in smart working or thanks to holidays. Returning home can be very difficult from an emotional point of view: the usual routine does not please everyone. As if that were not enough, we also have to put the house in order and clean it thoroughly. Sometimes we also find unpleasant surprises: invasion of insects everywhere .

It always happens in September: solve it this way

After many days away from our home, it happens that many ants make their appearance . They invade the house insinuating themselves almost everywhere. They are very small and harmless creatures but this does not take away the fact that they are very very annoying. They appear mainly in the kitchen , the place most loved by ants because it is full of food, crumbs to feed on and to preserve for the winter.How to get rid of ants from your home –

To solve this problem, it is not necessary to resort to chemical and toxic products such as insecticides. We would only get the death of the ants already present, without being able to prevent their return in the future. Their reappearance is very obvious if we do not use a product that, instead of killing them, does not allow them to approach at all. Here is what to use and how to do it, you will no longer do without it!

Spread mint on the floor: goodbye ants

Insecticides are full of harmful and toxic substances, substances capable of exterminating hundreds of insects. They are not only toxic to ants: they are also toxic to us. They can be harmful to our health when we overuse them and when we spray them without letting enough air pass through. In addition to the environmental damage and health hazards, they have a major flaw: they do not prevent the reappearance of ants. What they do is exterminate the ones already present.Mint Plant –

The best solution ever lies in a totally natural ingredient : fresh mint leaves . Mint has, for us humans, a very pleasant essence and smell. For ants it is anything but pleasant: they avoid it as if it were a real repellent . If there is mint nearby, ants will not come near at all. This is why to solve the problem we should start by preventing it: if we spread mint leaves in strategic points of our home, ants will never show up again !

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