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Plant 4 bananas in your garden, you really don’t expect what will happen next

Plant 4 bananas in your garden – something unexpected may happen. Everything that can happen can be found below.

With this completely natural method, you will be amazed at the results you can achieve! All you need is the use of these four bananas in your garden soil. A very effective method when dedicated to cultivating your own backyard. Here you can grow flowers, vegetables and spices. A beautiful garden also improves the external appearance of your home. That’s why it’s important to read this article.

Plant 4 bananas in your garden: garden care

There are several methods to have a rich and beautiful garden to look at, full of colorful flowers that will make your garden even more beautiful. There are also several methods to be able to grow your  plants healthy and strong  .

Next, we will talk about a specific method that involves using banana peels. Banana peels  , for the uninitiated, appear to be rich in potassium and magnesium.

Furthermore, they are rich in different minerals that can help our plants grow well. So here we can turn the peels into real fertilizer and how can we do that other than breaking the peels directly into the soil?

In this way, they will release useful substances for plant nutrition. In short  ,  banana peels  have properties that make your garden thrive.

Here you can place the peel at the bottom of the holes when transplanting tomatoes, for example. You will see that decomposition will occur and your plants will thrive.

Plant 4 bananas in your garden: other useful methods for your garden

There also appear to be other methods that can be used to accomplish this. Let’s look at another one below.

The first step to having a good harvest is to use the eggshells   to  ward off parasites.

It is essential  to prevent slugs from taking over your garden  , ruining it by eating all the freshly grown vegetables. This would happen before you have a chance to harvest them and would be a huge loss for you and your garden.

Fortunately, this problem can be effectively solved with the use of eggshells. By sprinkling  eggshells around your garden  , you will create  a sharp surface  that will not give slugs the opportunity to get into your lawn. Before placing the shells on the ground, however, you will have to wash them, making sure they are broken into small pieces.

You must  remove all the egg smell  , so as not to attract rodents that would harm your garden, much more than snails.

what else to know

Plants can also be a valuable beautification of your home as well as the garden, but only if they are healthy and moist. How can this be achieved? Through the use of  diapers  , which must be inserted in the lower part, covering it later with

You will only need a diaper to allow the planter  to retain water efficiently  , preventing the soil from drying out.

This  diaper trick  can be used for any type of plant, in particular it works with Tifa iris or marsh sunflower.

One of the biggest mistakes is not watering your plants enough.

With the use of  an empty bottle  , you can remedy this oversight. Once the wine is placed in the glass bottle, it can be used for this purpose. After cleaning it with hot water, fill it with fresh water and poke a hole in the lid, prying it open again.

Turn the bottle upside down, placing the neck on the floor. As long as there is water in the bottle, your plant will always be well hydrated.

To slow down the process of water loss from plants, you can use  coffee filters  that will be needed to line the bottom of the pots. This will not stop the water from draining, but it will slow the process so the soil can absorb the water.

To keep deer out of your garden, simply place small  pieces of soap scattered across the ground  . This will stop him from getting closer as he doesn’t like the smell. Alternatively, you can hang a bag with highly scented bar soap in your garden to discourage certain animals from entering.

Another method to keep slugs out of your garden is  beer- based  .

These pests have a fondness for beer, which you will need to place in a jar inserted into the soil and away from your plants.

The snails will focus on it instead of the plants as they prefer the ingredients put in the beer.

Plastic forks  inserted into the ground with the points facing up are a great way to keep animals like dogs and squirrels out of the garden.

To  protect plants from frost  , placing just the top of a large plastic container will help keep them warmer overnight.

Useful DIY Methods and the Banana Method

To create a  practical watering can  , you will need a simple, well-rinsed milk container. By drilling holes in the lid, you can use it to water your plants.

Cinnamon has antifungal properties, so it can also be used to keep fungi and ants away from plants  .

You can reuse old muffin cups  for initial planting.

White vinegar  is a natural herbicide and can be used on weeds to kill them.

One last useful method for sweetening cherry tomatoes is  baking soda  sprinkled around the base of the plant. Assimilated by plants, it makes cherry tomatoes sweeter.

These are just a few of the many ideal ways to have a beautiful and functional DIY garden.

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