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Don’t throw them away anymore, the plants are worth their weight in gold: they will grow for about ten years

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An ingredient that will never have to be thrown away again. It’s worth its weight in gold for house and garden plants: growth is guaranteed for years.

There are ingredients that can be used as natural fertilizers. Some of them are simply the shells that are thrown away when wet. In a world where waste is the order of the day and the environment asks for help, why not use these ingredients as fertilizers for plants? One in particular that is consumed in the summer, always present on Italian tables, becomes an excellent ally.

Natural ingredient that is worth its weight in gold for plants: how to create fertilizer

Fertilizers for plants , in most cases, are created with waste ingredients from fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are also other ingredients that can be used, such as coffee grounds, without being thrown in the trash.

The ingredients for this excellent natural fertilizer are:

  • melon rind;
  • Waterfall.

Melon rind is an excellent natural element rich in water, vitamins and natural minerals. All the factors that help garden and house plants grow more beautiful and stronger.

First you eat the pulp and then, instead of throwing away the skin, you cut it into several small pieces. Place it inside a container and then pour in some water. Cover with a plate and leave to macerate for a day inside.

Then, the foam created is filtered, in order to obtain an excellent and nutritious natural fertilizer for plants. It can be used once a week, pouring it directly into the soil: it nourishes, hydrates, protects and also offers a little help to neutralize the attack of parasites.

Melon peel properties

Experienced nurserymen recommend using melon peels as a fertilizer for any type of plant. Its properties nourish and guarantee the necessary supply to flourish indefinitely.

Fruit peels in general are the perfect ingredient to create natural fertilizer. Rich in potassium and vitamins, for a healthy and perfect flowering. You can turn them into a liquid, bury them in pieces or mix them directly.

A set of properties and benefits that plants will love . As seen above, in this case you are asked to create a soft foam. But you can also make a smoothie with a slice of melon, enhancing it with a banana peel (thus increasing the dose of potassium).

In addition, the pieces of melon can also be placed directly under the ground, making their properties unique. In short, a delicious summer fruit is also a natural plant protector to make it grow and bloom indefinitely . 

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