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How to propagate roses from the stem to get more and more

Florists and rose lovers know that the beauty of roses doesn’t have to be fleeting. It is possible to root roses from a bouquet and grow them at home, turning a single gift into a lasting testimony to the beauty of nature. With some readily available items such as yeast solution, honey water and aloe water, anyone can undertake the rewarding task of propagating roses at home. This guide will take you step by step through the process of turning that bouquet into a blooming rose garden.

Materials needed

Before we move on to the procedures, you will need the following materials:

  • A bouquet of roses
  • Sharp knife or secateurs
  • Yeast solution
  • honey water
  • Aloe water
  • Clean jars or containers
  • Potting soil
  • Gardening gloves (optional, to protect against thorns)

How to use these elements:

Step 1: Selecting and Preparing Your Rose Cuttings

First, choose a healthy-looking stem from your rose bouquet. Ideally, the stem should be about 15-20 cm long and have at least a few leaves and no flowers. Using a sharp knife or pruning shears, cut the stem at a 45-degree angle. This angle maximizes the area available for root growth and makes it easier to insert into your rooting medium.

Step 2: Preparing the rooting hormones

You can use household items like yeast, honey, and aloe as natural rooting hormones to promote growth.

For the yeast solution, mix one teaspoon of dry yeast with two cups of lukewarm water and stir until dissolved.

To make honey water, dissolve two tablespoons of honey in two cups of boiled water. Allow the mixture to cool before use.

To make aloe water, cut open an aloe vera leaf and scoop out the gel. Mix the gel with two cups of water.

Step 3: Soak the cutting

Once your solutions are ready, soak the rose cutting in the yeast solution for about an hour. Yeast is rich in nutrients and helps boost the rooting process.

Step 4: Apply honey water and aloe water

After soaking in the yeast solution, dip the end of the rose cutting into the honey water. Honey serves as a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent and protects the rose cutting from disease and decay.

Then dip the same end of the stem into the aloe water. Aloe vera, with its hormone gibberellin, promotes root growth and repels potential pathogens.

Step 5: Planting your rose cuttings

Now that your cutting is fully prepared, it’s time to plant it. Fill a clean jar or container with potting soil and insert the rose cutting about 2 inches deep, completely covering the portion of the stem that was dipped in the solutions.

Final step: caring for your rose cuttings

Place your cutting in a location with indirect sunlight and keep the soil moist, not soggy. Be patient. Roots could take several weeks to appear depending on the variety and conditions.

Propagating roses at home with a bouquet is not only inexpensive, but also a fascinating way to expand your home garden. The use of natural substances such as yeast solution, honey water and aloe water gives the process an additional touch of environmental friendliness. So, next time you receive a bouquet of roses, remember – it’s not just a fleeting gift. With a little time and care, it could be the beginning of a blossoming love of rose gardening.

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