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Christmas cactus: here’s how to grow it and take care of it so it lasts a long time

  • Humidity :
    • Christmas Cacti like relatively high humidity, but be careful not to overwater to avoid root rot.
    • You can increase the humidity by placing the pot on a tray filled with small pebbles and water.
  • Fertilizer :
    • During the growing period (spring and summer), fertilize the cactus every two weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.
    • Reduce the frequency of fertilization during the rest period (fall and winter).
  • Rest period:
    • To encourage flowering, expose the cactus to longer nights and shorter days during fall.
    • Reduce watering during this time to mimic natural resting conditions.
  • Repotting:
    • Repot the cactus every two to three years after flowering.
    • Use a well-draining cactus potting mix.
  • Size :
    • Remove any wilted or damaged areas to encourage new growth.

By following these care tips, you can maximize the lifespan and health of your Christmas Cactus, while enjoying its beautiful seasonal flowers.

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