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How to promote and accelerate healing?

If you are active on a daily basis, both inside and outside the house, it is very common to have an accident and get injured. Fortunately, most of these injuries are not serious and are easy to treat. However, it is important to know the first steps to take to treat minor injuries and avoid infections.

We invite you to discover these actions that allow you to accelerate the healing of your skin following an injury, abrasion or burn.

Take the right steps from the start

From the moment you are injured and your skin is open, there is exposure to bacteria. This weakens your skin and makes it unable to form a protective barrier as it is used to doing.

It is important to act quickly and clean the wound with lukewarm water first and then with a disinfectant.

Protect the wound

Once your wound has been disinfected, remember to cover it with a bandage. This step is very important because it protects the wound from bacteria and the sun but also because it creates a humid environment, ideal for promoting healing. 

To speed up healing, also remember to cover the wound to prevent the skin from drying out and therefore the formation of scabs.

Avoid touching and scratching it

When the wound dries, you may see scabs appear accompanied by an unpleasant itching sensation. It is important not to give in and scratch the wound, as this may slow down the healing process and infect the wound. 

Consider applying a soothing cream or cold compress and don’t forget to protect your wound with a bandage.

Eat a balanced diet

In order to promote and accelerate wound healing, it is important to adopt a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Favor foods rich in zinc such as oysters and veal liver and in vitamins A, C, B1 and E such as vegetable oils, citrus fruits and spinach.

Avoid smoking

We can never say it enough: smoking is harmful to your health! When you have wounds, it is even more advisable not to smoke because cigarettes do not allow good blood circulation to the skin and delay healing.

Massage the wound 

Once your wound has closed, it is important to regularly massage the healing area with a moisturizing cream or vegetable oil. The massage promotes blood circulation and helps soften and remove any crust that may have formed.

Also remember to apply a sunscreen with a high protection factor to avoid hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Also read: Tattoo ideas to hide scars

Apply a healing cream

Consider applying a healing treatment to the wound. This treatment helps accelerate the healing of the skin, creates a barrier against bacteria and soothes itching.

You can also make your own mask to reduce scars in just one step.

Maintain your psychological balance

It is also important to take care of your psychological well-being, by avoiding stress and learning to manage your anxieties. Indeed, the hormones secreted by our body when we are in a state of stress influence the healing of wounds. So take the time to meditate and do an activity you enjoy.

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