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Mites are everywhere, but you can’t see them. Next, we explain how to eliminate them

As shave one side of the head

Mites are everywhere!

Favorite food? Organic microparticles! Needless to say, we can find them in  clothes, closets, shelves, rugs, sheets, pillows, in short,  everywhere really! They especially love soft surfaces and sneak into the home through windows, doors or on the backs of our animals. They reproduce so quickly that they can lead to real infestations! What are the risks associated with its unwanted presence? Itchy dermatitis can cause itching and redness, especially in children. In rarer but more serious cases, they can  trigger asthma and colds.  In short, it is a priority to get rid of it as soon as possible!

In a few simple steps, you can disinfect rooms, clothes and bedding!

Follow our advice step by step!

Mites are everywhere, but you can’t see them. Here we explain how to remove them

There are many methods to sanitize the environment in which we live and free it from the presence of mites. Let’s look at them one by one.

Let’s start with the  specific products you can find on the market.  They are aerosols to spray on clothing, equipped with a type of insecticide. Effective but chemical, let’s not forget. Please read the instructions carefully if you decide to use this resource because the procedure with which to apply these disinfectants varies from time to time.

It would be better to resort to safer and more natural stratagems.

If you suspect that your clothes or sheets, pillows, carpets are infested with mites,  expose them to the sun . UV rays alone are capable of eliminating its presence.

Likewise,  even a hot wash , with temperatures above 60/90° C, guarantees its disinfestation. However, check the labels carefully before proceeding so as not to damage them if they are delicate.

For carpets, sofas and surfaces in general, you can opt  for extraction.  Simply replace the part of the device with the special tissue nozzle and pass it over where you think these annoying animals are present. Be careful to cover the entire area well, even the most hidden interstices to eradicate them completely.

Finally, whenever possible, you can also  freeze clothes.  Place the clothes in a freezer bag and place inside for 72 hours. Frost kills germs and eggs, and you will be rid of their company!

Incredible true?

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