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16 Fruits and Vegetables to Grow from Leftovers

1. The lawyer

To grow an avocado pit, clean it, pierce it with matches then bathe the lower part of the pit in water. After about two weeks the roots will begin to grow, so place your core in a pot filled with potting soil and water regularly. Don’t forget the sun!

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2. Mango

To grow a mango stone you must place it in cotton which must always remain moist then place everything in a small bowl and cover with plastic film. Once the root has grown well, place the core in the ground with 2 cm of soil above the core. Keep the soil moist and place in the sun.

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3. Fishing

Remove the pit from the peach and place it in a pot filled with potting soil and bury it to protect it from extreme weather changes. Water and expose to the sun. You can plant or repot your young shrub once it has grown.

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4. Celery

Cut the base of the celery stalk and put it in a small flat pot filled with a little water and place it in the sun. After a while, new leaves will grow. Transfer to the ground three days after the new leaves appear.

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5. To plums

In an airtight box, place a mixture of sand and peat and a few plum stones, moisten then place in the refrigerator and keep the soil moist. Once the seeds have germinated, plant them in the ground or in a pot.

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6. Lychee

Collect a few lychee stones, clean them by removing the whitish film that surrounds them then plant them in a pot filled with potting soil. Be sure to keep the potting soil moist and place the pot in a warm place.

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7. The date

Place a few date stones in a glass of water. Place the glass in a bright place and be sure to change the water regularly (once a week). Once the seeds have started to germinate, plant them in the ground, water, place in the sun and be patient.

8. Citrus fruits

Plant the seeds 1 cm deep in a small pot filled with a mixture of potting soil, peat and sand. Cover with film or a plastic bottle. Be sure to keep the soil moist and keep the pot at a temperature of 18 to 20°. Repot your young shoots once they have reached 5 to 6 cm.

9. Tomato

Cut an overripe tomato into slices then place in a pot filled with potting soil. Cover with a thin layer of potting soil and water. After 4 to 7 weeks you will notice tomato sprouts.

Source : The Wannabe Homesteader

10. Sweet potato

Cut a slice of sweet potato, prick it with matches or toothpicks to keep half in the water. When the buds have grown well, carefully remove them and place them in water for a few days to grow roots, then plant them in the ground. A sweet potato can give up to 50 buds!

Photo by Getty Images/iStockphoto

11. Pineapple

To grow a pineapple take the upper part of the fruit (the crown), remove the leaves at the bottom then place it in a glass of water. Once the roots have developed, plant the young plant in a pot, water and place in the sun.

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12. Papaya

Take the papaya seeds and apply a little pressure on them to remove the film that protects them, then rinse and let dry. Plant the seeds in moist potting soil about 1 cm deep.

13. Kiwi

Remove a few seeds from a kiwi, remove the pulp and spread the seeds on a damp cotton pad. As soon as they have germinated, place them in the ground then cover with a thin layer of potting soil and water. After a few weeks, separate the young plants and plant the vine in a larger pot or in the ground sheltered from the wind.

Source : The Kiwi Grower

14. Basil

Put a few basil stems in a glass of water and place them near a window. Be sure to change the water regularly. When the roots have grown a few centimeters, transfer the stems to pots. Coriander, mint, parsley… are also grown in the same way.

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15. Romaine lettuce

You can grow romaine lettuce from its base. Place the lettuce stem in 2 cm of water. Once the roots and leaves begin to grow, transfer the plant to the ground. Cabbages   can also be grown in the same way .

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16. The carrot

Place carrot ends in water in front of a window to grow new tops. Use carrot tops as a garnish or in a salad.

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