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What your nails reveal about your health

Nails are made up mainly of keratin , a protein made by certain skin cells. A change in color, texture or the appearance of spots on the nails may indicate certain health problems …

Brittle nails

If you have brittle nails all the time , this may indicate an iron deficiency and/or malnutrition. Biting your nails or using harsh chemicals can also weaken them.

Thick nails

Thyroid disorders can be the cause of splitting of nails but in most cases it is due to stress, malnutrition and the use of chemicals.

Spoon nails

Concave nails can be the result of anemia , hyperthyroidism or a heart problem.

Ridged nails

If your nails have fine lines this may indicate an iron deficiency or a hormonal problem which can occur during menopause.

Yellow nails

Tobacco and regular use of nail polish can give your nails a yellowish color. The yellow color can also be due to lung disease, diabetes, or toenail fungus .

Nails with white spots

If you notice the presence of a white spot on your nails , this indicates that your nail has suffered a shock and that you are not taking care of it.

Black nails

The black color could be a hematoma that occurred following a shock. In a more serious case, it could be melanoma. Consult your doctor.

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