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Home tip for removing dental tartar yourself

Tartar is a dental plaque deposit that can spoil the smile and harm health and social life. Indeed, tartar is a layer adhering to the teeth and gums which does not disappear with brushing and causes  gum disease , cavities, tooth loss and bad breath. Dental scaling is a medical procedure that must be carried out by a dentist, but before getting to this step here are some tips for eliminating tartar and preventing it .

What is dental tartar?

Tartar is the result of the thickening and calcification of dental plaque. This is a film that is made up of bacteria and food residue that accumulates on the teeth. Rigorous oral hygiene is enough to eliminate the plaque that forms daily and therefore prevent the formation of tartar .

Causes and aggravating factors

Some people will develop dental tartar more easily than others, and this is due to several factors: the composition of saliva, fragile enamel, irregular teeth, hormonal changes (pregnancy, puberty, diabetes, thyroid disease) … Certain habits such as excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks, smoking and coloring drinks such as coffee, black tea and all foods that contain colorings, also promote the deposit of tartar on the teeth. Furthermore, impeccable food hygiene is necessary to prevent the formation of dental plaque and tartar .

The results

Dental tartar can progress to more serious disorders such as gingivitis, periodontitis (inflammation of the tissues that support the tooth), loosening of tooth roots, persistent bad breath and sometimes even tooth loss. It is therefore essential to prevent and treat it.

Eliminate tartar naturally

There is an answer in nature to this problem which allows you to remove tartar and regain white and healthy teeth . This is a treatment to be carried out once a week, without forgetting to maintain impeccable daily oral hygiene.

Here is the home treatment to remove tartar from teeth:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of  baking soda  and ½ tablespoon of salt in a bowl.
  2. Dip your toothbrush or a moistened cotton swab in it and brush your teeth for 3 minutes with this antibacterial mixture which is active on calcified tartar.
  3. Rinse your mouth, then mix 1 tablespoon of  lemon juice with a little warm water and gargle for a minute. Dental tartar will be softened thanks to the action of bicarbonate,  salt and lemon.
  4. Using a toothpick, remove the tartar, taking care not to hurt your gums without scraping too hard.
  5. At the end, gargle with a homemade sanitizing mouthwash made from cloves. Infuse 5 cloves in 25 cl of lukewarm water for 10 minutes. Filter and use the infusion as a mouthwash. Cloves are known for their anesthetic, antiseptic and antibacterial action. 

Use this anti-tartar home remedy only once a week, so as not to damage tooth enamel.

Prevention of plaque and tartar

Regular brushing and good dental hygiene are essential to prevent the formation of tartar on the teeth. Brushing your teeth after each meal removes plaque and prevents tartar formation, not forgetting to floss daily. Use a good quality, medium fiber or soft toothbrush and replace it every 3 to 4 months. Finish your brushing by gargling with an antiseptic mouthwash. Between meals, chewing sugar-free gum will help you salivate and prevent plaque buildup .

Scaling by your dentist is recommended once a year.

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