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Why does the sewing machine break the thread? The mistake everyone made was revealed !

Using a sewing machine is not a task for everyone, because it is certainly not as simple as you might imagine at first glance. But be careful because with a little practice and some advice you can start sewing like an experienced seamstress practically from scratch.

In particular, those who are starting out    often find themselves forced to solve a common problem such as a broken line and, therefore, having to start the work over again, wasting a lot of time and patience.

So obviously there may be other more or less important obstacles, problems and inconveniences, but this is the most common,    for which no woman in the world can easily find a solution.

Replacing the wire, see how to understand why it breaks

If after changing the thread    the problem repeats itself continuously then it is time to look for the reason to immediately try to find a valid answer and use the sewing machine with less anxiety and panic. .

There can be many causes that could be the problem that triggered the thread breakage, for example, the problem could stem from the machine thread. Maybe when you go to thread the thread you make a mistake that compromises it.

Therefore, it is advisable to check that all the steps were carried out in the correct direction and re-thread after each phase with attention and care. If the problem persists, continue searching.

Cheap wire, that’s what the trigger could be

Or it could simply be    a purchase that at first glance could seem advantageous    given the low price, but which ended up being a real failure from every point of view.

There are some threads that are practical for their very low price, but at the same time they are of poor quality and as soon as they are threaded they break and make the work very long and stressful. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Even if you can get the job done, the stitching    may be short-lived and not at all durable. Therefore, to avoid further inconvenience, it is advisable not to stock yarn purchased at a low price anywhere, without knowing the product and consequently the material well.

Instead, it is better to try one first to make sure it is suitable and then proceed with purchasing the others. This is the only way to save money.

Blunt needle and fine thread, that’s what you need to do

Another cause could be a blunt needle, perhaps unsuitable for the thread. For example, sometimes the needle is too thin and therefore cuts a thread that is not strong in itself. In this case    the advice is to check before starting whether it is in good condition    or whether it is broken or whether it is not inserted in the correct seat and then start using the sewing machine.

As trivial as it may seem, it can be a cause. Finally, it is advisable to check the bobbin compartment, which must always be clean, so that there is no dust or threads, which tend to get stuck there when you use your sewing machine frequently. The coil should be dusted occasionally to keep it as clean as possible.

Finally,    the threads must be pulled in the right direction,    so the tension applied must not be too weak or too strong, otherwise the thread will break before it starts.

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