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How do you get rid of weeds on the sidewalk? The radical weed killer.

How to easily remove weeds from the sidewalk? Did you know that it is the homeowner’s or renter’s responsibility to remove the weeds that grow on the sidewalk in front of their home? But every time it’s the same! No matter how often you remove them… the weeds grow back quickly on the sidewalks. So how can you make sure the weeds don’t come back? There is only one solution: get to the root of the problem! But under no circumstances use chemical weed killers! My neighbor Marc, who is a gardener, recommended a highly effective and 100% natural weed killer. Here is the recipe for a homemade weed killer with white vinegar and salt to stop them growing back.

What you need

200 g salt – 4 liters white vinegar – 30 cl lemon juice (optional) – 2 tablespoons dishwashing liquid – 1 large canister – 1 spray bottle – 1 funnel – putty (optional) – vacuum cleaner

How to do it

Pour the white vinegar into the canister. 2. Add the salt. 3. Pour in the lemon juice. 4. Add the dishwashing liquid. 5. Close the canister. 6. Shake to mix well. 7. Using the funnel, pour the mixture into the spray bottle. 8. Spray the weeds on the sidewalks thoroughly and generously. Cover all leaves well. 9. Wait 5 to 7 days. 10. Remove the dead weeds. 11. Take the vacuum cleaner and suck as much soil out of the crack as possible. 12. Seal the crack with putty.1.

Result :

No more weeds on the sidewalk!

And just like that, you’ve gotten rid of the weeds on the sidewalk 

 Simple, quick and effective, right? And besides, they won’t be coming back any time soon! Yes, you have to kill the roots of these unwanted plants to get rid of them for good. You can use vinegar with an acidity of 8° or 14° for even more strength. You can even use white vinegar with 20° acidity. But wear protective gloves when using it! With this grandmother’s recipe, you’ll not only kill weeds at the root… This trick is also the best way to prevent them from growing again. You should also know that you will have to remove the grass regularly. The more regularly you do this, the easier it is. Over time, there will be fewer and fewer weeds poking their noses on the sidewalks.

Why does it work to remove weeds?

White vinegar is a dreaded natural herbicide. The acidity of white vinegar is merciless against plants. This is also the reason why you have to be careful when using it. You should only spray it on the plants you want to kill. Otherwise, your entire garden and vegetable garden will be affected! Salt also has the property of burning the roots permanently. A soil that is exposed to salt is no longer fertile. The dishwashing detergent makes this weed killer recipe creamier. It makes the product thicker. Thanks to this texture, it stays on the plants better and lasts longer. This increases the effectiveness of your product. And it’s much less toxic than bleach used to kill weeds!

When is the best time to use your DIY weed killer?

Pulling weeds is a small routine that gardeners quickly get used to. But did you know that the methods are more or less effective depending on the season? In spring, for example, when the soil is still moist, you should pull out the weeds at home. In summer, when the soil is well dried, your weed killer with white vinegar works wonders.

Who is responsible for removing the weeds from the sidewalk in front of your house?

This is really a super important question. And the answer is not exactly easy! In general, your municipality’s road maintenance department is responsible for maintaining sidewalks. For example, if there is a hole in the sidewalk in front of your house, you must report it to the city government. But then the community services have to carry out the repairs. However, things are different if weeds grow in front of your house… Yes, it is the resident’s job to take care of the sidewalk in front of their house. We’re talking about care here (and not work!). So if you have weeds on your doorstep, you need to take care of them! It doesn’t matter whether you are an owner, a tenant or live for free! These provisions are regulated in the legal texts of the Local Authorities Code: Articles L2212-2 and L2122-28. For more information, please contact your city hall’s highway department.

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